Contextual Customer Insights

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Text & Sentiment Analysis: Key Differences & Real-World Examples

Text & Sentiment Analysis: Key Differences & Real-World Examples

With the implementation of AI and ML algorithms, text and sentiment analysis engines are finding their way into different industry applications. These engines are being used in market research, customer feedback analysis, social media monitoring, and more, enabling businesses to derive valuable insights from vast amounts of textual data in much less time than legacy...
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Guide To A Good NPS Score: Setting NPS Benchmark For Success

Guide To A Good NPS Score: Setting NPS Benchmark For Success

Here’s some juice to kickstart our conversation – Did you know 35% of eCommerce small businesses’ revenue is generated by the top 5% of customers, i.e., loyal and repeat customers (customer acquisition enthusiasts can calm down)?    The question is, what drives repeat business? It’s obviously loyal customers. That’s why businesses across industries are obsessed with...
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20+ Customer Exit Survey Questions To Supercharge Your Sales

20+ Customer Exit Survey Questions To Supercharge Your Sales

You might not be able to retain every leaving customer, but you definitely can turn the customer churn into an opportunity to learn and improve.  How can you do that?  It’s easy – with customer exit survey questions that help you collect actionable feedback from churning customers and build a seamless customer experience for existing...
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Omnichannel Customer Experience: Benefits, Strategies, & Examples

Omnichannel Customer Experience: Benefits, Strategies, & Examples

Omnichannel customer experience means seamless unified interactions across various channels. With the ever-growing customer touchpoints, the difference between offline and online interactions is getting smaller. More channels mean more accessible options, but it also presents a new challenge – the need to connect them. That’s what is called an omnichannel experience. With such an interconnected...
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Gauge & Improve Product Experience – Tips, Strategies, & Examples

Gauge & Improve Product Experience – Tips, Strategies, & Examples

Creating a customer-centric product relies on listening to what customers have to say about it. It’s an iterative process that involves mapping how people use the product at different stages of its lifecycle and using the data to improve it, a.k.a. gauging the product experience. In an agile and rapidly growing competitive environment, product experience...
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Customer Segmentation Analysis: Types, Examples, & Methods

Customer Segmentation Analysis: Types, Examples, & Methods

"The major reason for practicing segmentation is that a market is heterogeneous. To be a valid market segment, it must be measurable, substantial, accessible, differentiable, and actionable." - Philip Kotler, Marketing Author, Consultant The need for customer segmentation research arises from a simple fact – No two customers are alike. With highly competitive markets, customer...
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10 Best Anonymous Feedback Tools to Collect Unbiased Insights

10 Best Anonymous Feedback Tools to Collect Unbiased Insights

Collecting feedback anonymously from customers or employees has its own perks. You get your hands on people’s true opinions on your processes, their experience with your brand, and what areas in which you need to improve. People may hesitate to speak their minds if they have to provide personal details, but the anonymous feedback option...
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Power of Product Research: Uncovering the How’s, What’s, & Tips

Power of Product Research: Uncovering the How’s, What’s, & Tips

Product research is the secret ingredient that can make or break a company’s success.  Without it, businesses are like blind chefs, cooking products without understanding what the target audience likes and dislikes.  Take Coke, for example, and how it failed with “New Coke” miserably even after rigorous testing with 200,000 consumers due to the lack...
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E-commerce Customer Feedback: Your Business’ Competitive Advantage

E-commerce Customer Feedback: Your Business’ Competitive Advantage

E-commerce customer feedback has certainly become a part of almost all businesses operating online and for good reasons. Still, only a few are saved from the limited perception of how the feedback data can be used to benefit them in different ways. You can add and improve products, but that’s just the beginning. If you...
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Survey Abandonment Guide: Causes, Impact & Solutions

Survey Abandonment Guide: Causes, Impact & Solutions

As tough as it is to get someone to take your survey, keeping their interest to its completion is a whole other ballgame.  To avoid survey abandonment, you need to get several things right, including steering clear of your audience’s various turnoffs. For example, asking tediously long or irrelevant questions in your survey may make...
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