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12 Ways to Collect Customer Feedback for Your Website

12 Ways to Collect Customer Feedback for Your Website

Data can tell you what opinions to hear; and conversely, opinions can tell you what data to read.”
~JT Trollman, Product Design Manager, Facebook Reality Labs

Analytics and performance metrics show the health of your products or services. But to diagnose the problems and issues, you need to dig deeper into customer feedback. 

And listening to your customers is the best way to collect valuable information and feedback to improve your website and products. Because at the end of the day, your customers are the primary source to find ways to improve the products.

Follow thy voice of the customer, and Thou shall see the light. That is the power of customer feedback.

So, let’s understand how you can collect these right customer insights from visitors on your website.

What is Website Feedback?

Website feedback is first-hand information straight from the customers about their experience, issues, concerns, complaints, and appreciation of your website. It gives you actionable insights into what customers are doing on your website and why they are doing it. Collecting customer feedback can steer your business towards website optimization and growth.

This article will discuss the importance of customer feedback, why you need to prioritize it in your business, effective ways to collect it and utilize it to render a customer-first experience.

Importance of Website Feedback

Whether it is user experience or website design feedback, all kinds of website feedback is important because it answers the – ‘what’ & ‘why.’ 

  • Why are people abandoning your cart?
  • Why don’t the visitors fill out a form?
  • Why do your pages have a high bounce rate?
  • What else can you do to improve their experience?
  • Why do the prospects exit without buying?
  • What are the elements that customers find annoying on your website?

Now let’s understand the benefits in detail for you to apply your customer feedback strategy the right way:

Related Read: 30 Best Website Feedback Tools for 2024

Makes Your Customers Feel Heard

Customers want to feel valued and heard. Collecting customer feedback shows that you value their opinions and suggestions. It makes them an integral part of your improvement process and helps you form a societal bond between client and buyer.

Asking them if they are satisfied with the products, inquiring about their experience, acting on their suggestions, and resolving their issues will help to impart a good customer experience and promote brand credibility.

Lets You Improve Your Website, Services, and Products

Your customers are at the center of getting insights about what works on your website and what doesn’t. It is essential to collect website design feedback to uncover the UI and UX issues and improve your website user experience.

Website feedback can improve the live website and examine the usability of the prototypes and test pages before launch using a target audience.


Helps Measure Customer Satisfaction

Positive experience builds your brand and business. But how will you know what the customers think about your products and services if you don’t ask them?

Measuring customer satisfaction scores and improving them will help you to enhance performance and conversions.

There are several ways to evaluate customer satisfaction, which we will discuss in this article.

Here’s something you might find helpful: 11 Crucial Customer Satisfaction Metrics You Should Track 2024

Helps Build Credibility for Your Business

Building brand credibility builds customers’ trust in your products. Testimonials, reviews, ratings, and referrals act as positive feedback markers that allow new visitors to read other users’ experiences and make their purchase decisions. Google Reviews, in particular, play a crucial role by providing a platform for users to share their experiences and build trust with potential customers.

Lets Your Business Improve Based on Bad Feedback 

You cannot avoid bad feedback. But it is essential to learn from it and quickly close the negative feedback loop. Negative feedback provides an immense opportunity to interact with frustrated customers and find out the reasons for their frustration, pain points, and grievances.

Timely tracking negative feedback and resolving the issues creates happy customers. It leaves a positive impact on their minds about your brand and can help you to gain loyal customers.

Related Read: How To Respond to Negative Feedback From Customers

Helps Retain Customers

Listening to the customers and solving their issues is one of the best ways to make them come back to your website or products. Collecting feedback helps you address their grievances and proactively make amends to improve their experience.

Customers who had their issues addressed professionally and on time are more likely to come back to do business with you. That’s why website feedback plays an essential role in creating long-term relationships with your customers.

On this note, you might also like to read ‘Churn Rate: What Is It and Different Ways to Calculate It’

Helps Build a Better Customer Experience

Companies that prioritize good customer experience generate 4-8% higher revenue than others in their industry.

Website feedback can reveal bottlenecks and issues that might be preventing the visitors from completing their desired actions. They may be finding it difficult to find a specific feature or having trouble with the checkout process.

Collecting feedback can help to optimize your website and create the best possible customer experience.

Here’s an interesting read for you: Brand Experience For Your Business: What Is It & Why You Should Care

Why Does Early Website Design Feedback Matter?

To understand this, we need to understand the two types of early website design feedback:

  • During development, prototype testing, or pre-release
  • Initial feedback when the website goes live

During Development, Prototype Testing, or Pre-Release

A considerable amount of time is put into designing a website or developing a product’s features. That’s why it is necessary to collect website design feedback as early as the development stage to ensure every element on your website ties in well with your user experience.

You can collect website design feedback from other teams and targeted control groups to test new designs and prototypes before implementing them.

It also boosts the quality of the website and product. Using customer feedback in your website design iterations can fix the UI and UX issues in the development phase and help you release an optimized webpage or product from the start.

Initial Feedback When the Website Goes Live

Early feedback is customers’ initial reviews as early as the new website, feature, or page goes live. It gives you rich insights into the initial impression of your website, which can help make critical changes and improve the website for subsequent visitors. It is important to note, before you create a website you can submit a website design RFP.

It is also cost-effective to utilize early website design feedback and optimize performance as quickly as possible. Closing the early feedback loop can do wonders for your website in terms of performance, traffic, and conversions.

Types Of Customer Feedback

Not all website feedback forms are equal. Before delving into how to collect customer feedback, let’s divide them into various types.

1.) Based on Customer Motivation

  • Prompted

Prompted customer feedback is where you ask the customer to leave feedback.

  • Unprompted

Unprompted feedback is the one that customers leave on their own. It can be a social post, a proactive email letter, etc. This feedback type requires special attention because it might cover the issues you are unaware of.

2.) Based on Your Business Objective

  • Individual

This feedback type focuses on individual feedback. It involves the customer leaving feedback based on their recent experience. The customer can click on the website feedback form or widget to provide their feedback at any time.

  • Targeted

Targeted feedback focuses on a specific visitor or customer segment that interacted with a feature or service for which you want to collect the feedback. This type of feedback aims at collecting the customers’ feedback to test and optimize the desired aspect of your website. 

  • Indicative

The indicative feedback type evaluates the goals and KPIs by targeting customers to leave feedback about the overall experience. It helps establish performance tracking, and identify brand loyalty, overall customer satisfaction, and other business goals.

3.) Based on the Type of Interaction

  • Product feedback

Product feedback type collects information about product features and issues. It can include questions related to product bugs, feature requests, etc.

Related read: Product Feedback: Benefits, Tips, Examples, & Questions (2023)
  • Service Feedback

The service feedback type is when you ask for customer feedback after they interact with a service channel, such as customer support, technical department, or any other team. It maps out the difficulties the customers face to get their queries resolved by the team.

  • Marketing and research feedback

This feedback type involves exploring marketing opportunities, such as new product types, promotions, identifying audience segments, etc. It helps you conduct market research and competitive analysis.

Feedback Type Ways to Collect Them

Customer Motivation

Prompted Emails, Surveys, interviews, Incentives, Usability Tests


Community forums, Social media, and reviews

Business Objective

Individual Feedback widget, Email, LiveChat


Surveys, Polls, emails, Usability tests, session replays

Indicative NPS, CSAT, CES, website polls

Type of Interaction

Product feedback

CES survey, Usability test, feedback widget

Service feedback

CSAT, emails, exit-intent survey, feedback widget

Marketing and research feedback

Interviews, emails, UES service, marketing surveys, website polls

As we can see from the above table, different methods provide different types of feedback. In the next section, we will go through some of the valuable techniques to collect customer insights.

13 Effective Ways to Collect & Use Customer Feedback for Your Website

Now that we know about the different types of customer feedback, it is time to explore some of the most effective ways to collect it from your visitors, users, and customers.

1. Surveys

Surveys are focused, personalized, and highly targeted. They are one of the best methods to collect customer feedback. They offer various metrics and techniques to collect feedback, such as rating scales, popups, emojis, single choice questions, and more.

A survey is a macro category that can be divided into different subtypes depending on the objective. There are multiple survey types, each intended to collect feedback at a specific time from various customer segments.

Each survey offers a different way to collect customer feedback on your website, product, or app. We’ll cover the surveys and forms in a dedicated section later in this article.

2. Add an Easy Access Website Feedback Button or Widget

Arguably, the most convenient way to collect customer feedback because:

  • The website feedback widget or button is easy to embed on any or all web pages.
  • It is easily visible to visitors.
  • It also has the psychological effect to prompt the customer to proactively leave feedback based on their recent experience.
  • It makes it a real-time feedback tool for your website, product, or app.

With a simple feedback button and short survey, you can ask the customers to rate their experience, run an NPS survey, collect CSAT scores, or add a free-text question to gather actionable insights about their UI and UX experience.

Another interesting read is How To Use Psychology To Get Customers To Take Your Surveys

3. Emails

Email is an efficient way to follow up with your website visitors and customers. You can set up an automated email delivery system that gets triggered when a condition is met, such as a successful purchase, a new subscription, etc.

You can also leverage tools like ProProfs Survey Maker to send email surveys and collect valuable and actionable customer feedback.

Today emails are much more than just the means of collecting feedback; they are essential components of the customer-seller ecosystem. 

How to use email in your business to collect feedback:

  • Send follow-up emails.
  • Send a satisfaction survey email after purchase.
  • Send rating emails after the customer interacts with the support services or any other department to resolve their issues.

 Send transactional emails to keep the customers up to date and informed about their activities, order status, and other updates. It is an important aspect of providing a good customer experience.

4. Live Chat Button

42% of the customers prefer the live chat option over any other support medium. Live chat is increasingly becoming an integral part of any website design. It brings the opportunity to provide real-time support to customers and also collect real-time feedback.

As a preferred channel of communication, live chat tools have become inexpensive and easy to integrate with your website.

How to use live chat to collect feedback:

  • Use AI-based chatbot during odd hours to provide 24×7 support.
  • Chatbots can collect information from customers so you can reach out to them afterward.
  • Ask for customer info before they initiate the chat to retarget them via mail, SMS, or call even if they leave the chat.
  • Add a feedback form to be automatically displayed to the customer after the chat to collect feedback.

5. Mine Feedback Through Social Media Channels

Social media has become the central hub for user activity, reviews, feedback, recommendations, and complaints. People love to speak out on social media about their experiences with the company, whether it was delightful or horrendous. 

If people speak about your website, product, or app on social media channels, you need to listen to them. It is like a treasure cove filled with customer feedback. Plus, it is all free.

How to use social media channels to collect customer feedback:

  • Monitor your social media channels to identify both frustrated and happy customers to understand their perspectives.
  • Post about new features, upgrades, support services, etc., to get customers’ reactions about them.
  • Read the comments and replies to get insights about customers’ experiences with your product.
  • Use the channels to interact with your customers via comments and replies.
  • Do damage control by actively supporting customers who post their negative experiences.
  • Run polls on social channels to collect feedback from your customers.

Pro tip: You can use tools such as Google Alerts, Mention, Awario, and Yext to monitor when reviews are posted in various websites.

6. Offer Incentives

Filling out surveys and leaving feedback takes time. Not all customers are willing to invest time and fill out the forms. So, is there a way to prompt the customers to leave feedback and increase the response rate?

Incentives in exchange for customer feedback. 

An effective way is to offer an incentive to the respondents. It can be a discount coupon, a free shipping offer, a personalized report based on the responses, a free ebook, a guide, etc. 

An incentive acts as a motivation for the customers to get something to provide valuable feedback to you.

7. Run Usability Tests

Usability tests are conducted to test your website, product, or app’s functionality by observing real users while they interact with it.

Usability tests help to reveal issues with UI and UX using a fresh pair of eyes. You can use various usability tests such as a 5-second test, First click test, After-Scenario Questionnaire or ASQ, session replays, etc., to collect feedback about how easy it is for the users to use the webpage. It lets you uncover navigation issues, bugs, and other problems that can lead to a bad experience.

For example:

  • In a 5-second test, you show the product or webpage to the user for 5 seconds and then ask about their first impression of the product or webpage.
  • In the ASQ test, you ask them to complete the desired action and then ask them about their experience and how easy or hard it was to complete the task.
Also Read: 12 Best Usability Testing Tools for an Effective UX Strategy

8. Make the Most of Customer Interviews

Getting more personal with your customer with one on one interviews does two things:

  • It shows that you value your customers’ opinions.
  • It provides in-depth insights about their fears, concerns, and issues with your products in their own words.

You can ask more focused and personalized questions to each customer than surveys and other feedback mediums. Probing real experience-related questions will make your customers feel important and valued.

However, one of the prominent drawbacks of the interviewing process is; it is a time-taking process. It takes more time and effort to successfully perform interviews and mine through feedback, making it a more extended approach.

9. Use Session Replays to Analyze the Customer Journey

Session replay is a customer journey mapping technique that can provide feedback about how people are using the website, which paths they are taking to complete different actions, the most interacted parts on the web pages, and much more.

Session replays replicate the users’ journey and provide priceless real-time insights into visitors’ struggles, navigation issues, user maps, touchpoints, motivations, and new opportunities.

Pro tip: Using this feedback, you can find critical CTA button points, identify broken links, perform form analysis and locate interaction channels to optimize the web pages and maximize conversions.

10. Leverage Reviews, Ratings, and Testimonials

Reviews and ratings act as potential conversion magnets for new visitors.

According to a Bizrate Insights report, ‘92% of surveyed respondents said they read at least one review before making a purchase decision’.

Even Google shows website and product reviews in their search result snippets to help users find what they are looking for.

Why use ratings and reviews on your website?

  • Reviews, ratings, and testimonials add credibility to your business.
  • Testimonials tell success stories about the customers who achieved their goals using your product.
  • It allows real users to provide their feedback after they have used your products.
  • It also makes it easier for new visitors to make decisions about purchasing the products.
  • Bad reviews allow you to follow up with customers to understand and rectify their grievances in time.

That’s why you need to start collecting customer reviews, ratings, and testimonials to improve conversions. 

11. Use Community Forums, Discussion Groups & Suggestion Boards

Community forums and discussion groups consist of users and customers. Hence they are the most targeted points to mine for valuable feedback.

They allow users to ask questions, raise queries, leave suggestions, upvote comments, etc. You can also use the forums as the support service to provide the required answers to the users. The questions asked by the user’s act as direct feedback for your website, product, or app.

Similarly, suggestion boards work by helping you explore the most popular suggestions and ideas among the customers. You can explore new ideas to improve your website.

How to use the forums and suggestion boards to collect feedback:

  • Make them easy to use and navigate.
  • Explore the most popular, most voted, and most commented questions and suggestions to collect the data.
  • Keep tracking the popular keywords and search terms used by users to find new topics.

12. Use Analytics to Strategize Feedback Opportunities

Analytics tools give you real-time information about your website performance. So how can you leverage this information to solicit feedback from customers? Here’s how:

  • Analyze the website performance to map out winning pages, top posts, pages offering maximum conversions, etc.
  • Use this information to place your feedback surveys, cards, and popups on specific pages to collect feedback.
  • Use website feedback forms on top pages to understand what drives the customers to them.
  • Collect customer feedback from less popular pages to understand the issues behind high bounce rates and low conversion rates.
  • Compare the data to optimize the web pages and thus, improve the overall experience on your website.

💡Pro tip: Combining it with session tools and customer journey tools, you can plan what type of customer feedback you need to collect from different web pages.

You may also find this helpful: Customer Feedback Analysis Guide: Secret to Growth Hacking Your Business

13. Use Polls

Online polls are fun and interactive means to know customers’ preferences and interests and understand what the majority want. 

It takes mere seconds for the customers to select their response, thereby increasing the response rate.

How to use polls for customer feedback:

  • Ask for suggestions on new features.
  • Conduct comparison polls to identify the winning product, feature, or other aspects.
  • Run polls to segment customers’ preferences.

Types of Best Customer Feedback Forms (With Examples)

The following are just a few examples of the feedback form types you can use on your website to collect customer feedback. As you collect more data, you will be able to design your forms.

Each form is designed to measure specific customer sentiment or experience. Most feedback surveys utilize question branching to personalize it and redirect respondents to follow-up questions depending on their previous answers.

1.) NPS Survey

Net Promoter Score or NPS surveys are one of the most popular and easiest ways to collect customer feedback. The respondents are asked to rate their likelihood of website or product recommendations on a scale of 0-10.

The NPS survey is beneficial in segmenting the respondents as promoters (9-10), passives (7-8), and detractors(0-6). 

How to use NPS surveys:

  • NPS is a key indicator of long-term customer loyalty and brand experience. 
  • Use NPS to segment the visitors to personalize their experience and retarget them.
  • Once you are done with visitor segmentation, you can reach out to them to understand their issues, promote your products or explore upselling and cross-selling opportunities.

It usually consists of two questions:

  • What is the likelihood that you would recommend [company or product] to a friend or colleague?
  • What is the reason for your answer?

2.) Post-Purchase Survey

Another excellent opportunity to ask for feedback or review is when the customer completes the purchase. Post-purchase surveys give you insights into the customers’ purchase experience and help uncover the issues and pain points along their journey.

It helps you optimize the purchase process. If the customers can effortlessly complete their purchase, it means less cart abandonment, higher conversions, and a better shopping experience.

How to use post-purchase surveys

  • Show the survey immediately after the customers complete the checkout on your website or app.
  • You can also send them the survey link via email or SMS.
  • Ask them to rate their experience or give ratings about the products.
  • Evaluate the checkout process and ask for suggestions on improving it.
  • Add a follow-up question to get insights into the answer to the first question.

3.) Exit-Intent Survey

A customer lands on your page, takes time to explore the website, and then abruptly leaves the website. Another customer adds the products to the cart but does not complete the purchase. Yet another customer leaves without filling the subscription or product trial form.

These are lost opportunities to get new leads and potential customers. That’s why it is critical to understand what made them leave without completing the desired action.

And that is where exit-intent surveys play a vital role in reducing bounce rate and increasing conversions. They help you understand the website UI issues, do form analysis, and mitigate cart and form abandonment risk.

How to use exit-Intent surveys to collect feedback

  • Automatically display the survey when the customer is about to leave the website.
  • Ask them whether they were able to find what they were looking for?
  • If the customer abandons their cart, send a follow-up survey on their email to determine the reason behind it. You can also offer discount coupons to make them come back and complete the purchase.
Related Read: 10 Best Exit-Intent Popup Tools to Increase Customer Retention

4.) CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) Survey

CSAT surveys measure the customer satisfaction level with your products or services. CSAT surveys are easy to design, take little effort to answer, and provide a convenient way to collect customer feedback. It is also aided by the fact that most customers want to leave feedback about their experience with the product or website.

This is an easy opportunity for the companies to understand the customers’ frustrations, delight, and issues they faced while using a product. 

You can send the CSAT survey via email after the customer interacts with your products or services like customer support or post-purchase. You can also embed it on your website to pop up at the desired moment so the customers can give real-time feedback. 

Tips and opportunities to deploy surveys:

  • Deploy in-app surveys to enquire about anything, from product features to support quality
  • Use beacons to send push notifications on mobiles at events
  • Add surveys to live chat conversations
  • Set up kiosks with assistance functionalities and feedback surveys

It consists of two to three questions:

  • How satisfied are you with the following aspects of our service?
  • Would you use our customer service in the future?
  • How can we improve our service?

5. CES Survey Form

CES (Customer effort Score) measures how much effort the customers had to put in order to get their issues resolved. It also evaluates how easy or hard it was for the customer to use the website or product.

It usually consists of 2-3 questions on a Likert Scale.

  • How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement – ‘The {company Name} made it easy for me to get help with my issue.’?
  • What is the reason for your answer?

6.) ‘Was It Helpful’ Form

The simple ‘was it helpful’ form can be embedded into the blog pages or Knowledge Base to get insights from the readers or customers. It will help you find the missing topics and other issues to improve the page content.

It consists of 2-3 questions:

  • Was this article/user guide helpful?
  • How can we make it better?
  • Do you have any other suggestions? Please let us know.

7.) Product Feedback Form

Product feedback is one of the most crucial customer feedback surveys to improve and optimize your products and website. It lets you evaluate how well your product is performing with the customers. 

The questions depend on the depth of the feedback you are trying to get from the customers.

  • On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied are you with the product?
  • How easy or difficult was it for you to find the information you were looking for?
  • How often do you shop with us?
  • Tell us about your overall experience with the website?

8.) Website Questionnaire

Website Questionnaire allows you to collect real-time feedback, create customer personas, and segment the respondents based on demographics using a single form.

The questions may differ depending on the length of the questionnaire.

  • Have you ever heard about [Site Name]?
  • How did you learn about [Site Name]?
  • Do you purchase goods from [Site Name]?
  • How old are you?
  • Gender: How do you identify?
  • Overall, how satisfied are you with our website?
  • How likely would you be to recommend [Your Website Name] to your friends or colleagues?
  • What particular aspect(s) of our website do you like?
  • What particular aspect(s) of our website do you dislike?
  • What is the main reason you visit our website?

9.) Follow up Survey Form

A follow-up survey form can be used to touch base with the customers who recently used the product or contacted customer support services. They help collect transactional feedback and identify areas of improvement to provide a seamless customer experience.

You can send them by mail or ask for feedback right after the interaction over live chat, phone, or SMS

They consist of 2-3 questions depending on the type of interaction:

  • When did you use our product or service?
  • Overall, how satisfied are you with the product or service?
  • Did our product or service meet your expectations?
  • Would you recommend this product or service to a friend?
  • Which aspect of the product or service was the most satisfactory?
  • Which aspect of the product or service was the least satisfactory?

A follow-up question to the last two queries can ask for an explanation to further understand why the customer likes or dislikes a certain aspect of the product.

These are only a handful of forms from dozens of standardized surveys that you can choose to collect customer feedback. 

Most of the salesforce survey tools provide pre-built survey templates to help you design your surveys in a matter of minutes, as shown in the following image:

Use Case Scenarios: When to Gather Website Feedback (With Examples)

Here are a few use cases and website feedback examples you can refer to and collect actionable customer insights. 

1.) Understand Interests and Preferences

Your business grows with your customer base. It means continuously increasing customer diversity and demographics. The only way to keep growing is to get to know their interests and preferences so that you can cater to every segment of your increasing customer base.

Examples of Customer Interest Questions for Website Feedback:

  • What topics would you like to see us write about next?
  • What other products would you like to see us offer?
  • Was this help section useful?
  • Did this article answer your question?
  • Were you able to find the information you were looking for?
  • What other information would you like to see on this page?
  • What convinced you to pay for this service?
  • What persuaded you to start a trial?
  • What’s the biggest influence on your purchasing decision?

2.) Build Customer Personas

Building a customer persona will help you know your audience and explore new product opportunities. Once you know who your customers are, where they are from, which age group they belong to, and their expectations, you can build and optimize products to suit their needs.

Examples of Questions to Collect Website Feedback:

  • Why did you come to this site today?
  • What were you hoping to find on this page?
  • What were you looking for?
  • Describe yourself in one sentence (e.g., I am a college student based in New York who loves playing Guitar.)
  • What is your main goal for using our [website/product]?
  • What, if anything, is preventing you from taking action.
check out our guide :  How to Build Customer Personas.

3.) Uncover Reasons for Cart Abandonment

Ask yourself, ”why does a customer who made the effort to add the products into the cart not place the order?”

Shopping Cart abandonment is the potential loss of a sale. You need to collect customer feedback to understand this behavior and uncover the issues (if any) that are causing them to leave without making the purchase.


  • Is there anything preventing you from signing up at this point?
  • What’s preventing you from signing up?
  • What would change your mind about signing up for an account?
  • Is there anything on this site that doesn’t work the way you expected it to?
  • Was there anything about this checkout process that we should improve?
  • What’s the one thing that nearly stopped you from buying from us?
  • If you did not make a purchase today, can you tell us why not?
  • Is there anything preventing you from completing your purchase?

4.) Investigate Exit Intent, Page Bounce Rate, and Cancellation

As with cart abandonment, page bounce and cancellation are also concerning behaviors that can adversely affect your growth and revenue. Why did the customer cancel the services? Did he have pricing issues? Was he frustrated with the service quality?

Why does the customer leave the website without making a purchase or filling the free subscription form? 

Did they not find what they were looking for? 

Was the form lengthy? 

Were the questions too provoking or personal?  

Collecting website feedback from leaving visitors will provide you with answers to all these questions and more. It will help you unearth issues with UI, pricing, website features, page content, and webpage other elements. You can use the customer feedback to fix them in time to reduce bounce rate and form abandonment.

Examples of Questions to Ask in Exit-Intent Feedback Form:

  • Did this page meet your expectations?
  • Does this page contain the information you were looking for?
  • On this page, it seems like I should be able to…
  • What is the primary reason why you’re canceling your account?
  • What prevented you from doing what you came to the site to do?
  • What could we change to make you want to continue with us?
  • Do you plan to start a trial?
  • Do you have any questions before starting a free trial?

5.) Understand Your Competition

What makes you different from your competitors? Why would your customer prefer your products over other options? These are valid questions that you need to explore to stay ahead of the competition.

Add short popup surveys to product pages and landing pages to do competitive analysis and market research. It will help you study the competition and make informed decisions.

Examples of Some Good Questions for Competitive Analysis:

  • Which other options did you consider before choosing our [Product name]?
  • Which of our competitors, both online and offline, did you consider before choosing our [Product name]?
  • Have you looked at any other companies that offer [product or service]?

6.) Measure Customer Satisfaction

Understanding how satisfied your customers are with your products or services should be your top priority to make them better. It also helps you understand why they choose to buy the products or opt for the services.

Show a CSAT survey after the customer completes the purchase or interact with a crucial webpage element like the CTA button. You can use customer segmentation and targeting to show different surveys to different customers, such as NPS surveys to repeat visitors and CSAT surveys for first-time customers.

You can also send the CSAT survey via email after customers interact with the support services.

Examples of Some CSAT Survey Questions:

  • How likely is it that you will recommend our company to a friend or colleague?
  • How would you rate our service on a scale of 1 – 10?
  • How would you rate your overall experience on our site today?
  • What persuaded you to start a trial?

7.) Implement New Website Design and Features

Whether it’s a subtle change to the webpage or a complete UI revamp, collecting website feedback from your users is necessary. A new design element may look good to you but may not appeal to the visitors aesthetically or functionally.

Add a website feedback form or button on the desired web pages to collect feedback from the visitors when they interact with the new design elements or features.

You can also ask for customers’ opinions beforehand about the new features you want to implement using polls and online website feedback buttons.

Examples of Questions You Can Ask:

  • What’s one feature we can add that would make our product indispensable to you?
  • Of these four options, what’s the next thing you think we should build?
  • How often do you use this feature?
  • What’s the next feature we should build?
  • How disappointed would you be if you could no longer use [Product/feature name?]

Want to know what else you can ask? Check out this survey question library to know more.

Before You Start Interpreting the Feedback Results

Before analyzing the results, it is helpful to measure the reliability and accuracy of the website feedback data.

How Reliable or Useful Is Your Feedback Data?

The target audience will determine the reliability of the feedback data. If you don’t ask the right audience, you will not get the correct answers. Your target audience can be new users, regular customers, high-value customers, etc. You can also target the customers based on their demographics and psychographic attributes.

For example, regular customers will be more helpful and reliable in providing website design feedback than new visitors, for example, the changes in the checkout process.

On the other hand, if you ask for feedback from friends and relatives, the data can be biased, decreasing its reliability. That’s why it is crucial to scrutinize the objectivity of the feedback source.

How Accurate Is Your Website Feedback Data?

The data’s accuracy will depend on several factors, including the sample size, segmentation, degree of response variance, and survey questions. The accuracy of your feedback will generally increase with the increase in the response sample size.

An optimum sample population will make it easier to point out trends, calculate variance, and even separate the outliers from the user consensus in the feedback.

That’s why it is necessary to increase the response rate for reading general trends that point towards significant concerns. Qualaroo’s in-context surveys, which are strategically placed within the user experience, effectively achieve this by ensuring high response rates of 10-30%. Additionally, it is crucial to select the appropriate type of questions to elicit precise and valuable answers.

Accurate feedback will help you to stay on course to make the right changes and prevent you from diverting time at the wrong places.

Steps to Analyze Customer Feedback Results

The steps involved in structuring the customer feedback data and extracting insights will vary from company to company depending on the data source and tools employed to handle it.

Here we have listed some general steps that you can follow to convert your feedback into actionable insights.

Step 1: Restructure All the Data

The first thing to do is to bring every feedback type into one place and under one format. Collate your data to show the customer’s feedback and metadata, such as source, customer type, customer since, etc., under a single spreadsheet.

Today, many tools incorporate analytical dashboards to arrange the data into a readable format automatically.

It is an important step, so you don’t have to jump to different channels to study the feedback.

Step 2: Categorize the Feedback

The next step is to categorize the data into various types and subtypes to make sense to the readers who can be in other departments or teams.

A few segmentations that you can use are as follows:

You can create more categories as per the requirements.

Categorizing the data will help you divide the feedback among various teams such as development, content, support, and marketing. With Qualaroo, you can label each feedback to categorize it.

Suppose you have open-ended questions in your surveys. In that case, you can also use AI-based analysis tools to segment the data into different customer emotions such as happy, angry, neutral, etc. Then you start categorizing it at the individual level.

Step 3: Assign Actions to Each Feedback

This step includes defining the action that customers want you to take about their feedback. Break down the segmentation type further to interpret what the customer wants to say.

For example, if the feedback is about a feature update and the customer wants you to add a feature, you need to write down the exact feature that the feedback specifies, like add emoji to the live chat.

If a response has more than one feedback type, you need to break it down into multiple points to make it more specific for each team.

Step 4: Evaluate the Recurrence of Each Action

The final format will transform the initial raw data into actionable insights for each team. From there, you can sort out the most raised issues and suggestions or divide them based on their criticality.

If you have large data sets, you can segment the issues further depending upon various customer metadata, such as count the number of high-value customers requesting a specific feature or see the date on which the most customers reported the bug.

It will help you prioritize the handling of various feedback.

Step 5: Start Taking Necessary Steps

Once you have arranged the data based on the priority, you can hand it out to different teams to take the necessary steps to work on the feedback. While the design team can work on improving the UI and UX, the product team can work on the features and the customer service team can assess what’s required for better support.

5 Ways to Increase Customer Feedback on Your Website

1.) Make Users Understand How It Benefits Them

Make your customers understand that customer feedback works both ways. It will help you improve the website and products, which will benefit them by providing a delightful customer experience.

The best way to increase customer feedback is by letting them know that the input will build products and services to provide optimal solutions to the customers’ problems.

2.) Make the Feedback Button Easily Accessible

Put the feedback form or button on pages that attract the most traffic to your website. It will make it visible to most people and thus increase the response rate. It would be best to ensure that the feedback or survey button does not obstruct the customers, thereby ruining their experience.

3.) Offer Incentives

As mentioned above, incentives are a great way to elicit feedback from visitors. They act as motivation for the customers to invest their time to fill the feedback form. Adding a small discount or offer at the end of the feedback form can improve user engagement and survey response rate.

4.) Utilize Online Communities and Forums

Another way to maximize customer feedback rate is by directly asking your online community. The people in your community forums or social channels are either your customers or potential prospects interested in your brand. But if you don’t have any community yet, you can easily create with various platforms very easily.

This online community can provide you with a very targeted audience to get highly actionable insights about your website, product, and services. It will also show them you care about their opinion, which will only build your brand’s credibility.

However, you need to be careful about biased feedback that might contain both product lovers and haters to achieve high data reliability.

5.) Personally Reach out to Them

Depending on your relationship with the customer and how long you’ve been doing business together, it might even be okay to ask for a quick meeting to ask for feedback. 

Long-term customers might even value your attempts to improve and try to be of as much assistance as they possibly can. However, make sure that you take away as much as possible from these meetings. 

Every word counts so make sure you take notes of suggested feedback so as not to forget and waste your customer’s time.

You may have to contact them more than once to get a response. But be cautious. Don’t annoy your customers with repeated interferences.

5 Best Tools Customer Feedback Tools for 2024

There are myriad customer feedback tools available in the market. We have listed some of the best tools to get you started.

1.) Qualaroo

Qualaroo is an all-in-one customer and user feedback tool. You can design feedback surveys for your website, products, or app and do prototype testing. It offers advanced audience targeting, question branching, reports dashboard, and pre-built templates to run surveys like:

  • Net Promoter Score or NPS
  • Customer Effort Score or CES
  • Five Second Test
  • After-Scenario Questionnaire
  • System Usability Scale or SUS, and more.

To make feedback analysis easy, it employs an AI-based sentiment analysis and text analytics to transform open-ended responses into actionable insights, making it one of the best tools to mine through the feedback quickly.

2.) Hootsuite

Hootsuite is a social feedback tool that acts as a central hub to manage all your social platforms’ activities. You can add posts to your social media, reply to the comments and messages, do competitive research, and collect feedback from the users. It helps you hear the voice of your customers on social platforms.


Typeform lets you create personalized surveys, feedback forms, and quizzes in minutes. You can embed them on your website or share them with the links via social platforms and emails to maximize the response rate. It is one of the simplest yet most effective customer feedback tools in the market.

4.) Hotjar

Hotjar is a behavioral analytics tool that offers a plethora of means to collect different customer feedback types. Using Hotjar, you can create surveys, feedback widgets, on-site polls, enable session replays, and use heatmaps to analyze the entire customer journey and get valuable insights. It also offers multi-device support to collect customer feedback from various channels like website, app, mobile, etc.

5.) UserEcho

UserEcho is a complete customer support solution that lets you address customers’ grievances and collect valuable feedback. Using UserEcho, you can set up a Knowledge Base, community forum, HelpDesk, and live chat for your business. You can ask for customer feedback on the helpdesk tickets, collect feedback using live chat, and generate new ideas from your community forum via a single platform.

You can also deploy a popup tool like Picreel that can help you gather feedback and engage with prospects or customers in a number of ways for conversion optimization.

Check out our detailed article, Best customer feedback tools for 2024.

Master Website Feedback for Top-Notch UX

In wrapping up our talk on website feedback, remember: it’s not just about checking boxes. Understanding its importance—from making customers feel heard to improving overall experience—can make or break your online game.

We’ve explored practical ways, from surveys to chats, to gather those valuable insights. Think of it as a direct line to what your audience really wants. 

Qualaroo can help you with this. Using its feedback survey Nudges™, you can discover what your prospects and customers are thinking about in the most unobtrusive way possible. 

It lets you target your audience for feedback surveys based on where they are, who they are, when they visit, and how often they visit to uncover actionable insights.

So, as you navigate the digital landscape, keep your ears open. Feedback isn’t just data; it’s the real voice of your users. Embrace it, use it, and watch your online presence level up.

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About the author

Shivani Dubey is a seasoned writer and editor specializing in Customer Experience Management. She covers customer feedback management, emerging UX and CX trends, transformative strategies, and experience design dos and don'ts. Shivani is passionate about helping businesses unlock insights to improve products, services, and overall customer experience.