Shivani Dubey


Shivani Dubey

Author & Editor at ProProfs |

Shivani has more than 3 years of experience in the modern creative content paradigm and technical writing verticals. She has been published in The Boss Magazine, Reseller Club, and HR Technologist. She is passionate about Artificial Intelligence and has a deep understanding of how organizations can leverage customer support technologies for maximum success. In her free time, she enjoys Nail art, playing with her guinea pigs, and chilling with a bowl of cheese fries.

Articles by Shivani Dubey

Customer Loyalty Guide – How to Measure & Improve it

Acquiring customers is hard enough as it’s. You shouldn’t have to lose sleep over keeping them with your business.  But how do you keep customers from breaking faith? Customer loyalty programs might be the first thing to come to mind.  Well, that’s just the beginning. “The true source of loyalty is to create benefits for...
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Market Segmentation – Types, Benefits, Mistakes & Examples

Market segmentation is the art of finding and targeting the right audience for your business. And in this article, we’ll make a case for why it’s a critical part of hyper-targeted marketing and personalization processes. If you are funneling thousands of dollars into your marketing campaigns, isn’t it fair to know that the messaging is...
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How to Manage Customer Feedback Management: Your Kickstarter Guide

You know what’s harder than gaining customers? Retaining customers. If you’re confused as to why we are discussing customer retention instead of customer feedback management, think of it this way: 96% of customers are likely to ditch a company after one bad customer experience. That means there’s a very thin margin for businesses to make...
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Guide To Customer Touchpoints: How to Track & Optimize Them

A customer’s journey is made up of several points of contact and decision branches – from consideration stage to purchase and beyond.  But what are the moments that define each stage? These are points when the customers or prospects come in contact with you and are called customer touchpoints. These points of interaction consolidate to...
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30+ Exit Popup Examples for Better Conversions in 2024

Exit popups work. They really do! To give you a perspective, the average time spent by a person on a webpage is around 54 seconds across all industries.  Source But exit popups can stop the user right before they leave by giving them something valuable so that they spend more time on it.  The longer...
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Product Strategy 101: How to Create One With Customer Feedback

There are two types of products: The one that’s an instant hit among its target customers, and the other which isn’t and no one knows why. What separates them? Their product strategy (or lack of one). A good product strategy is your product’s backbone, driving everything from its vision, mission, business model, and features to...
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60+ Best Brand Awareness Survey Questions and Examples

Answers to brand awareness survey questions can reveal some of the most important information: What do your customers think about your brand? How much do they trust you? Where does their loyalty lie? Let’s understand this from a neat little example.  If we say ‘burger,’ what is the first thing that comes to your mind?...
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14 Effective Customer Success Strategies to Craft an Unforgettable CX

If you want loyal brand ambassadors and not just one-time customers for your B2B or B2C setup, you need to have customer success management in place. From the small things like resolving customer tickets in record time to more elaborate ambitions like creating a loyalty program, customer success strategies are what take your customer experience...
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Microsurveys: Your One & Done Solution for High Response Rate & UX

It doesn’t matter how awesome your product is or if you offer the best-in-the-biz user experience; long surveys are not customers’ cup of tea. You can’t expect a high response rate on your surveys if they demand a chunk of user time. More so, surveys with random questions without aim make the matter worse. So,...
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