Shivani Dubey


Shivani Dubey

Author & Editor at ProProfs |

Shivani has more than 3 years of experience in the modern creative content paradigm and technical writing verticals. She has been published in The Boss Magazine, Reseller Club, and HR Technologist. She is passionate about Artificial Intelligence and has a deep understanding of how organizations can leverage customer support technologies for maximum success. In her free time, she enjoys Nail art, playing with her guinea pigs, and chilling with a bowl of cheese fries.

Articles by Shivani Dubey

50+ Questions to Ask In Your Performance Evaluation Surveys

Organizations conduct performance evaluations at least once a year to gauge employee performance and growth, but are they really effective? Despite having the potential to be one of the most efficient ways of exchanging and acting upon feedback, interestingly, only 14% of employees feel the need to improve after a performance review. Can we deduce...
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Top 10 Zonka Feedback Alternatives to Try in 2024

Zonka Feedback is a popular software that helps you collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback in real time. It offers excellent features like customizable surveys, real-time analytics, and automated workflows. However, it has its limitations. That’s why I decided to look for some better Zonka Feedback alternatives and found 10 amazing software solutions that...
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Best 7 Key Survey Alternatives in 2024

On the hunt for Key Survey alternatives? You’ve landed in the perfect spot! This guide is your ticket to discovering fantastic tools that’ll make gathering feedback and getting to know your audience a breeze. We’re about to dive into some of the best picks out there – tools that are not only user-friendly but also...
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From Online to In-Person: Ultimate Guide to Survey Methods

Ever filled out a quick survey on your phone or scribbled feedback on a napkin at your favorite café? That’s the power of surveys in action—snappy tools that capture your thoughts at that moment.  Today, surveys have evolved far beyond the paper form, adapting to our digital lives. From a swift SMS post-purchase to an...
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8 Best Rapidr Alternatives & Competitors for 2024

If you’ve been in the customer experience space for a while, like me, you’ve probably had a solid run with Rapidr, soaking in all its feedback goodness.  But, let’s be honest, there’s a whole world of Rapidr alternatives out there waiting to be explored. Join me in unraveling the 8 Best Rapidr Alternatives & Competitors...
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8 Best Usersnap Alternatives to Try in 2024

Usersnap is known for its versatility, from bug tracking feature to its feature validation and user feedback capabilities. And while it’s a decent tool, I’ve come to realize there are better alternatives for a fraction of its price. So, lo and behold my list of top 8 Usersmap alternatives based on my experience, recommendations, and...
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9 Proven Ways to Get More Customer Feedback on Social Media

Is Social Media Truly the Customer Feedback Hub of Choice? Social media can be pretty useful when it comes to collecting feedback from customers because it: Has a large and diverse audience of potential and existing customers Allows you to communicate with your customers in real-time and in various formats Enables you to monitor and...
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Post-Purchase Surveys: What Is It, Methods and Questions

Congratulations on making a sale! But before you move on to the next customer, there’s one more task to complete. You need to conduct a post-purchase survey. Doing so will help you build trust, loyalty, and advocacy among your customers and also identify potential growth opportunities. Post-purchase surveys are an excellent way to learn what...
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55+ Must-Ask Questions For Your Employee Exit Surveys

Keeping your top talent on board is more important than ever before. Forbes reports that the average turnover rate in the US for 2023 is approximately 2.5%. Any guesses for the reason? It’s quitting! Losing a valuable employee further disrupts a company’s productivity, processes, and customer relationships. So, what’s the solution? Conducting employee exit surveys....
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