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23 Tips to Improve Mobile App Conversion Rate in 2023

Conversion rate is the indicator of your app’s effectiveness in the market and can guide you towards your goal. Mobile apps took over the world even before the global pandemic. In 2018, total app revenue was calculated to be a staggering USD 108 billion. According to BoA, the number is expected to grow double by...
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How to Collect and Benefit From In-App Feedback

Improvement is an integral part of app development, and a lot of improvements can be made when a business listens to their customers at the right place and at the right time. But the reverse is also true. If a brand is not integrating feedback, they end up with a terrible user experience. Here is...
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What Is Customer Feedback Software and How to Choose the Best One

Do you exactly know what your customers desire? You might truly believe that you know what your customers want, but when your product hits the market, there may be times when reality will not meet your expectations. It happens to the best of products and the biggest of companies. And it’s a painful learning lesson...
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Understanding SaaS Churn: Methods, Metrics, Tips & Strategies

You probably have a firm grasp on some of the universal metrics of SaaS success: ARR, growth rate, churn rate, CAC, LTV, etc. There is no doubt that these are critical, but in many ways these metrics do not tell the whole story of “success”. So what’s the leading indicator that can give you a fuller picture of success? Your customers’ satisfaction.
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How to Capture in-App User Feedback to Enhance User Experience

If you’ve ever thought about why or how you should collect in-app feedback from your audience, you’re at the right place. User feedback can be great for getting an overview of your products from a fresh perspective to uncover problem areas and get new ideas. Also, when it comes to collecting feedback within your mobile...
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