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9 Proven Ways to Get More Customer Feedback on Social Media

Is Social Media Truly the Customer Feedback Hub of Choice? Social media can be pretty useful when it comes to collecting feedback from customers because it: Has a large and diverse audience of potential and existing customers Allows you to communicate with your customers in real-time and in various formats Enables you to monitor and...
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25 Best A/B Testing Tools to Help You Convert in 2024

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been trying to find the perfect A/B testing tool for your website or app.  But why even bother? Because it’s an essential part of optimizing your website or app for maximum user engagement and conversion rates.  With the right A/B testing software, you can test different versions of...
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Survey vs. Questionnaire: Definitions, Differences, and When to Use

Many people, including some professional researchers, use the words survey and questionnaire synonymously. But, there is a difference between survey vs. questionnaire. In some cases, using these two words interchangeably isn’t a big deal because the context usually clears things up. However, in other cases, a slight mishap can impact the message. That’s why researchers,...
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