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Guide to Product Market Fit Surveys: Questions, Tips & Examples

Guide to Product Market Fit Surveys: Questions, Tips & Examples

Did you know that 35% of start-ups fail because they aren’t trying to solve a market need? 

This is why finding product-market fit is crucial for any product or service that wants to succeed. But how do you measure and achieve product-market fit?

Product-market fit surveys are a powerful tool to help you understand your customers, validate your assumptions, and optimize your product strategy. They can help you answer questions like:

  • What problem are you solving for your customers?
  • How satisfied are your customers with your product?
  • How likely are your customers to recommend your product to others?
  • What features or improvements do your customers want or need?

This guide will explain how to run effective product-market fit surveys, what questions to ask, and the best practices to follow to find your product-market fit ‘eureka’ moment. We’ll also share some examples of product-market fit from successful companies.

By the end, you’ll know how to use product-market fit surveys to deliver a product your customers love.

What Is Product-Market Fit (PMF)?

There is no universal definition of product-market fit (PMF), but one of the most popular and widely used frameworks is the one proposed by Marc Andreessen, the co-founder of Netscape and a prominent venture capitalist:

“Product/market fit means being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market.”

It is the stage in a company’s growth when a product satisfies a market demand. It is achieved when a product meets the needs and preferences of a targeted market segment.

Finding product-market fit is not a one-time event but an ongoing process of testing and refining the product until it resonates with the target audience. It involves understanding customer pain points, gathering feedback, and continuously iterating to improve the product.

Image Source: Dan Olsen

Why Is Product-Market Fit Important?

Product-market fit brings several benefits to a business:

  • It validates the business idea and assures there is a real need for the product.
  • You can attract more customers and encourage organic growth through referrals.
  • It allows you to build a loyal customer base and increase customer satisfaction metrics like customer lifetime value.
  • A unique PMF sets a business apart from competitors and makes replication difficult.
  • It drives revenue generation and sustainable business growth.

Achieving product-market fit meets the needs and preferences of a specific target market segment. By validating the product concept, attracting more customers, and providing a competitive advantage, businesses can establish a strong foundation for long-term success.

How to Find Product-Market Fit

Finding the right product-market fit is essential for the success of your business. Here are some strategies to help you achieve product-market fit:

Use Segmentation for Your Product-Market Fit Survey

Segmenting your audience is crucial when conducting your product-market fit survey. By targeting specific groups within your customer base, you can gain valuable insights into how different segments perceive your product. It allows you to tailor your marketing strategies and product development efforts accordingly.

For example, let’s consider an e-commerce platform keen on evaluating its product-market fit. The platform gains granular user insights by sorting users into groups—like new users, returning customers, demographics, feature preferences, usage frequency, etc. 

New users can share their initial impressions, and returning customers can offer critical perspectives based on experience. The platform can then tailor survey questions for each group to gather targeted feedback and refine the product-market fit assessment.

Always Ask Follow-Up Questions

When conducting your product-market fit survey, it is important to ask follow-up questions to delve deeper into the feedback provided. It will help you understand the reasons behind the responses and provide actionable insights for improving your product or marketing approach.

For example, suppose your product-market fit survey reveals that a segment of customers finds your product difficult to use. In that case, you can ask follow-up questions to understand specific areas of confusion or features they need help with.

Develop a Minimum Viable Product

To determine product-market fit, having a minimum viable product (MVP) is important. An MVP is a basic version of your product that allows you to gather feedback from your target audience and make necessary improvements before scaling your product.

Many industry giants of today started as MVPs:

  • Dropbox’s MVP was a video demo of its file-sharing software. The video went viral and attracted many users. 
  • Facebook was a simple product that connected university students. It had basic features like user profiles and groups. Eventually, Facebook expanded to other schools and then to the public. 
  • Uber originally booked rides for users in only two cities. It had one feature: finding a cab near the user’s location. 

Developing a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) helps you:

  • Move faster in product development by testing core features sooner
  • Save costs and resources by avoiding unnecessary features
  • Get feedback from early users and incorporate their insights
  • Validate assumptions about the market and customer needs
  • Build a loyal customer base and generate referrals
  • Demonstrate value to investors and stakeholders

Let’s say you have an idea for a new mobile app. You can develop an MVP that includes only the core features and functions. 

By launching this app version and gathering feedback from early adopters, you can identify which features are most valuable to your target audience and prioritize improvements accordingly.

Run Product-Market Fit Surveys Continuously

Product-market fit is not a one-time achievement; it is an ongoing process. It is important to continuously gather customer feedback to ensure your product remains aligned with their needs and expectations.

Running regular product-market fit surveys will help you stay connected with your audience and adapt to any changes in the market.

Let’s say you operate an online marketplace for handmade crafts. By conducting regular surveys, you can stay in touch with your customers’ preferences and adapt to any shifts in the market. 

For instance, you may discover that customers are increasingly interested in eco-friendly products. This information can guide your product selection and marketing strategies.

Don’t Rely on the Product-Market Fit Survey Responses Alone

While product-market fit surveys are valuable, they should not be your sole source of information. To ensure product-market fit, gather feedback through a variety of channels, including:

  • User interviews: Qualitative insights gained from one-on-one interviews reveal customer experiences and needs.
  • Customer support interactions: Analyzing support tickets, chats, and emails can provide insights into common issues and areas for improvement.
  • Social media monitoring: Tracking mentions, hashtags, and conversations on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn offer real-time insights into customer sentiments and trends.
  • Online reviews and ratings: Opinions shared on platforms like Amazon, Google, and industry-specific review sites provide valuable feedback on product strengths and weaknesses.
  • Website analytics: Analyzing metrics like page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates helps identify user behavior patterns and areas for optimization.
  • Prototype/user testing: Conducting user testing sessions with a prototype allows for direct feedback on features, usability, and user experience.
  • Customer behavior analysis: Utilizing tools like heatmaps, click-tracking, and session recording helps uncover user pain points, bottlenecks, and areas of confusion. This comprehensive approach will provide a more accurate picture of your product’s market fit.

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Now, you can get the best of both worlds with Qualaroo’s seamless integration with behavior analysis tools! Check them out!

Measure & Analyze Key Metrics

To comprehensively evaluate product-market fit, it is essential to measure and analyze a range of key metrics. Here are some of the critical metrics to track:

  • Customer retention: Measures the percentage of customers who continue using your product or service over a given period, showing if your product satisfies their needs.
  • Customer satisfaction: Evaluates how well your product meets customers’ needs, gathered through surveys or feedback, to assess customer happiness.
  • Referral rate: Measures the number of new customers attracted through word-of-mouth, demonstrating customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy.
  • Revenue: The total income generated from your product or service, indicating its profitability and popularity in the market.
  • Active users/Usage frequency: Tracks the number of active users and usage frequency, showing product relevance and frequent use.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLTV): Calculates the long-term economic value generated through a customer’s relationship with your business, indicating the success of customer acquisition and retention.
  • Market penetration: Evaluates the percentage of the target market that has adopted your product, demonstrating its acceptance and level of success in the market.

By tracking these metrics, you can identify areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions.

Related Read: Product Strategy 101: How to Create One With Customer Feedback

How to Measure Product Market Fit

Measuring product-market fit is a crucial step in determining whether your product resonates with your target market. Here are some effective methods to gauge product-market fit:

Sean Ellis Survey

The Sean Ellis test is a popular framework for measuring product-market fit. Survey your customers and ask them, “How would you feel if you could no longer use this product?”

The goal is to determine the percentage of customers who would be very disappointed if they could no longer use your product. A high percentage (ideally over 40%) indicates a strong product-market fit.

Make sure you ask a follow-up question to respondents to identify the reasons for their responses. Doing so helps you learn about your customers’ motivations, emotions, values, problems, and expectations.

You can also avoid biases and get honest and specific feedback to be assured of the validity of your product market fit survey.

NPS, CSAT & Product Feedback Surveys

Incorporating Net Promoter Score (NPS), customer satisfaction (CSAT), and product feedback surveys into your measurement strategy provides a comprehensive view of customer sentiment and helps gauge the effectiveness of your product:

  • NPS measures customer loyalty by asking about their likelihood of recommending your product. This enables you to evaluate the satisfaction and affinity customers have towards your offering.
  • CSAT product market fit surveys assess overall customer satisfaction levels. By capturing customer satisfaction data, you can gauge how well your product meets their expectations and identify areas for improvement.
  • Product feedback surveys gather insights on specific aspects of your product, helping you understand customer preferences, pain points, and desired enhancements.

By regularly conducting these product market fit surveys and analyzing the results, you can gain valuable insights to enhance your product and strengthen its alignment with customer needs.

Read: 10 Best Product Feedback Tools to Improve Your Products

You can use the following questions as follow-up questions after the Sean Ellis survey question or send them on their own:

  1. What specific problem does our product solve for you?

  1. What features or aspects of our product do you find most valuable?

  1. What challenges or pain points do you still encounter despite using our product?
  1. How likely are you to recommend our product to others?
  1. On a scale of 0-10, how satisfied are you with our product? 

  1. What additional features or improvements would you like to see in our product? 
  1. Have your overall needs and expectations been met by using our product?
  1. What alternative solutions have you tried before, and how does our product compare to them?
  1. How does our product align with your long-term goals or objectives?
  2.  How would you describe our product to a friend or colleague?

By asking these follow-up questions, you can gather valuable insights into customer satisfaction levels, areas for improvement, and recommendations.

Leverage Multiple Feedback Channels

In addition to product-market fit surveys, you should use the following feedback channels to measure product-market fit:

  • Ongoing customer support interactions provide direct feedback on customer experiences, helping you address issues promptly and enhance your product’s alignment with customer needs. It helps if you have a live chat platform allowing you to conduct surveys while chatting with customers.
  • Social media comments and messages offer real-time insights into customer sentiment, allowing you to identify potential problems and make targeted improvements.
  • Online reviews and ratings give you valuable feedback on customer satisfaction and areas for enhancement, helping you refine your product offering.
  • User analytics and usage data provide quantitative insights into how customers engage with your product, enabling you to identify usage patterns and optimize the user experience.

Measuring product-market fit is an ongoing process, meaning that you need to actively and continuously listen to the voice of customers through various channels. This way, you can adapt your product to align with their evolving needs and preferences.

Related Read: Gauge & Improve Product Experience – Tips, Strategies, & Examples

Who to Survey for Product-Market Fit

To ensure accurate and unbiased results from your product market fit survey, it is crucial to carefully select the recipients. Consider the following criteria when determining who to send the survey to:

Users Familiar With the Core Offerings of Your Product

The survey should be targeted at users who have had a firsthand experience with the central features and value proposition of your product. It ensures that respondents have sufficient knowledge and understanding to provide meaningful feedback.

Users Who Have Used Your Product at Least Twice

Individuals who have used your product on multiple occasions can form a more informed opinion about its offerings and identify any improvements or shortcomings based on repeated usage.

New Users Who Just Started Using the Product

It is important to reach out to individuals who have recently started using your product. It helps ensure that their experience is still fresh in their minds, increasing the likelihood of obtaining accurate and relevant feedback from your product market fit survey.

Your Brand Promoters

Surveying customers who have rated your product or service as a 9 or 10 on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) scale. These users are considered brand advocates and are more likely to provide valuable feedback to help improve the product and attract new customers.

Users Who Have or Are on the Verge of Churning

It is also important to survey customers who have churned or stopped using the product. They can provide insightful feedback on why the product failed to meet expectations and what might need to be improved.

When to Send a Product Market Fit Survey

In addition to considering the appropriate target audience for conducting product market fit surveys, it is equally important to carefully choose the timing of your survey to ensure you gather valuable insights. 

Here’s when you should send your product market fit survey:

Launching an MVP or Major Product Update

Collect feedback from your customers when you launch an MVP or a major product update. The survey will help you validate your assumptions, improve your product features, and understand how product changes affect your customers’ satisfaction, preferences, and behavior.

Significant User Base

Send a product market fit survey once you have a substantial number of active users. Doing so will give you more reliable and representative data.

If you send the survey too early, you may not have enough customers to get meaningful feedback, or you may have customers who are not your ideal target market. 

A more extensive and diverse user base can help you validate your product idea and identify the most important segments for your product. 

Pre-Product Launch

Conduct a product-market fit analysis before launching your product to identify potential issues and market gaps and validate your product idea. You can make PMF a part of your user research.

When There’s Slow Growth

If growth is not meeting expectations, it may indicate a problem with product market fit. Evaluating product market fit at this time can provide insights to identify the root cause and make necessary adjustments.

When Seeking Funding

The survey data from a product market fit survey can help you demonstrate your traction, growth, and market potential to the investors. It can also help you identify areas of improvement and innovation for your product. 

By considering these specific moments in your product development and business operations, you can strategically time your product market fit surveys to optimize response rates and gather valuable feedback that accurately reflects users’ experiences and perceptions of your product.

Product Market Fit: Real-World Examples 

Here are some real-world examples of companies that have successfully achieved product-market fit by understanding their customers, delivering value, and continually iterating their offerings:


Twilio is a cloud communications platform that enables businesses to communicate with their customers through various channels, such as voice, text, video, and email. 

The company achieved product market fit by using Qualaroo to collect real-time feedback from its users and understand their needs and preferences. 

Twilio faced a challenge when it acquired Sendgrid, a leading email service provider, and needed to learn more about its new customer segments. They used Qualaroo to ask targeted questions to its users about their product usage, goals, and mobile preferences. 

The data collected by Qualaroo helped Twilio make informed decisions about its product, marketing, and customer experience. 

For example, Twilio learned that many of its users preferred to access the product from their mobile devices, which led to the improvement of its mobile app and website. 

They also discovered new opportunities for product expansion and cross-selling by finding out that some of its users were interested in using other channels, such as video and chat. 

Twilio also improved its customer satisfaction by using Qualaroo to measure the Net Promoter Score (NPS) and ask for feedback on specific features and pages. They achieved product market fit by optimizing their product, marketing, and customer experience.

Read more : Twilio’s product-market fit journey here.


Lalamove is a leading logistics company with operations in 110 Asian cities specializing in fast and reliable intra-city deliveries. The company is ever-looking for scaling opportunities and ensures a product-market fit by listening to its customers and conducting strategic research with Qualaroo. 

Its value proposition is to deliver anything locally within 55 minutes, which requires a deep understanding of customer goals and challenges. 

The teams consistently gauge customer sentiment and interact with them regularly via surveys and in the field to understand what problems they solve with Lalamove, why they chose it, and the challenges they face. 

Lalamove uses Qualaroo’s feedback loops to collect and analyze customer data in real-time to create marketing and launch strategies. 

With Qualaroo, Lalamove gained insights into customer satisfaction, helping the company stay relevant, identify the best channels, optimize the launch strategies, and refine the communication points for each market.

Read more: Lalamove’s product-market fit journey here.


Uber’s rise to product-market fit is an inspiring example of how to innovate strategically and respond to customer needs. 

The company saw an opportunity in the transportation market, where traditional taxis were unreliable, and offered a value proposition that went beyond convenience to include reliability, safety, and affordability. 

It adopted an iterative approach and actively sought customer feedback, which became essential for its success. Plus, it didn’t stop at its initial achievements and kept changing based on user suggestions, leading to the launch of services like UberPOOL and UberEATS.

Uber’s dedication to a real-time feedback loop, built into its app, enabled it to capture user sentiment instantly and make improvements accordingly. 

The focus on data-driven decision-making, illustrated by the controversial yet savvy “surge pricing,” demonstrated its ability to enhance the user experience based on real-time demand. 

Uber’s path to product-market fit relied on a deep understanding of the market, a user-focused value proposition, a responsive approach to feedback, and the use of data-driven insights. 

It’s a powerful combination that not only achieved product-market fit but also maintained its leadership in the competitive ride-hailing industry.

Read more: How Top 15 Brands Use Customer Feedback Effectively

Start Your Product-Market Fit Journey Today 

Product-market fit isn’t a destination. It’s a journey. It requires constant learning and adaptation to meet the changing needs of your customers. 

This guide has shown you how to measure and achieve product-market fit with customer feedback as your compass. But remember, the journey doesn’t end when you find the fit. 

You have to keep in sync with your market and deliver value to your customers. That’s how you unlock your products’ and business’s potential.

Now that you know how to measure and achieve product-market fit with customer feedback, you might wonder how to start. Well, you don’t have to look far. Qualaroo is here to help you. 

It lets you launch micro-surveys on your website, app, or prototype, target users with the right questions, and get insights into their needs, preferences, satisfaction, and emotions with its advanced features.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are different methods to test a product-market fit, but one of the most popular ones is the Sean Ellis test. This product market fit survey involves asking your customers how they would feel if they could no longer use your product and measuring the percentage of respondents who say they would be very disappointed. The goal is to achieve at least 40% of very disappointed customers, which indicates a strong product-market fit.

The number of responses you need from a product market fit survey depends on your target market size, your confidence level, and your margin of error. A general rule of thumb is to use a sample size calculator to determine the minimum number of responses you need to get statistically significant results.

Finding a good market fit for a product requires a deep understanding of your target customers, their needs, their pain points, and their expectations. You also need to analyze your competitors, identify gaps in the market, and differentiate your value proposition.

You can use various tools and techniques to find a good market fit, such as customer interviews, product-market fit surveys, feedback forms, analytics, experiments, and prototyping. The key is to validate your assumptions, test your hypotheses, and iterate your product based on customer feedback.

Problem solution fit and product market fit are two stages of the product development process. Problem solution fit is when you have a clear definition of the problem you are solving for your customers, and you have a viable solution that addresses their needs.

Product market fit is when you have a product that not only solves the problem but also delivers value to your customers and is scalable and profitable in the market. 

Problem solution fit is a prerequisite for product market fit but not a guarantee. You can have a problem solution fit but still fail to achieve a product market fit if your product does not match the market demand, the pricing, the distribution, or the positioning.

The 4 types of market fit are:

  • Market Product Fit: You identify a problem that your target market has and propose a solution they want. You validate your assumptions with real customers and data.
  • Product Channel Fit: You select and optimize the best channel to reach and acquire your customers, such as organic, paid, referral, or direct. You build your product for that channel and measure its effectiveness.
  • Channel Model Fit: You design your product and pricing model to maximize the revenue you get from your customers and minimize the cost you spend to get them. You use smart marketing strategies to drive traffic and conversions.
  • Model Market Fit: You calculate your product's potential market size and identify its most profitable segments. You set realistic growth goals and track them over time.

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About the author

Shivani has more than 3 years of experience in the modern creative content paradigm and technical writing verticals. She has been published in The Boss Magazine, Reseller Club, and HR Technologist. She is passionate about Artificial Intelligence and has a deep understanding of how organizations can leverage customer support technologies for maximum success. In her free time, she enjoys Nail art, playing with her guinea pigs, and chilling with a bowl of cheese fries.