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How to Use Screening Questions in Your Survey – A Complete Guide

The best way to ensure your survey feedback is legitimate and fits your purpose to the T is to make sure you survey the right candidates. Businesses often get lost between targeting the right set of participants and surveying all participants to add diversity to the collected data. Both components are subjectively crucial and depend...
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Actionable and Unactionable Customer Feedback: 6 Things to Consider

Criticism is the best gift your company can receive.  Sounds weird? It isn’t. However, it must be constructive to benefit your business. Criticism can be part of quality end-user feedback that includes both positive and negative reviews. Yet, only actionable feedback is useful when you are assessing business performance and making decisions on how to...
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How to Collect and Benefit From In-App Feedback

Improvement is an integral part of app development, and a lot of improvements can be made when a business listens to their customers at the right place and at the right time. But the reverse is also true. If a brand is not integrating feedback, they end up with a terrible user experience. Here is...
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How to Improve E-Learning Tools With Feedback

The effectiveness of an e-learning tool can only be judged by how well it delivers a course content to educate and train its intended set of learners. But grading their performance at the end or asking them to fill out multiple surveys are not the only ways to judge its effectiveness.  Yet, getting proper feedback...
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How To Measure Customer Satisfaction In Context

Measuring customer satisfaction is becoming more and more important with today’s highly aware and actively involved customers, because they have multiple platforms on which to share their views, both good and bad. This in turn can have a remarkable influence on other prospective customers about your business’s products and services. Social media channels such as...
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