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New Qualaroo Editor Supports Better Surveys and Targeted Calls to Action

New Qualaroo Editor Supports Better Surveys and Targeted Calls to Action

Our vision for Qualaroo has always been to build a powerful solution that goes beyond just insights to actually helping you improve the visitor’s experience and your results in real time.

The release of our new editor goes a long way towards realizing this vision.

  • Question Branching – The right follow up question is usually different for each answer given.   With question branching you can really drill down into feedback to gain a deeper understanding of the needs of each visitor segment.
  • Conditional Prompts – With conditional prompts you can offer the right information or call-to-action based on specific needs revealed in earlier answers.  For example, visitors who are ready to buy can be directed to engage with a salesperson, while less qualified visitors can be nurtured with prompts that lead them to the right content until they are ready to buy.

Two-Minute Video Demo

Here’s How it Works

If you are a customer or trial user, the new editor is already activated in your account (don’t worry you still have access to the old editor).  Simply select the “new editor” option when creating a new survey.  As seen in the demo above, the new editor allows you to create, edit and link multiple screens based on how a user responds to a specific question.  Early Beta users have found that it works best to end each path with a call-to-action that adds value based on the unique need revealed in a visitor’s feedback.

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About the author

Qualaroo Editorial Team is a passionate group of UX and feedback management experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your user experience improvement and lead generation initiatives.