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Further Bolstering Qualaroo Security via Okta

Further Bolstering Qualaroo Security via Okta

We recently integrated Okta as our SSO solution, allowing for a super simple way for enterprise customers to securely log in to Qualaroo with a single click.

Why not just use a normal username and password?  Security is paramount to us, and we know it’s vitally important to you. Allowing thousands of employees to choose their own username and password for dozens of vendors the company utilizes to run their business is a security concern. For enterprises, if one employee’s credentials are compromised from one site, there’s potential for a waterfall of security issues across all their vendors.

Contact info@qualaroo.com or ring us at 1-888-449-3364 to batten down the hatches on your account via our Okta Integration.

With an SSO solution like Okta, employee’s simply utilize one set of credentials to access all of their companies vendors. The company is also able to generate their own authentication rules to ensure every employee is in compliance. Maybe you enable two factor authentication on a 30 day schedule, and require your employees to verify their login again via a code sent to their phone via SMS. You might also set up a company wide password rotation policy in Okta as well, ensuring employee’s change their passwords each quarter, and requiring passwords be a certain length.




Moving forward, if your company decides to implement Okta as its SSO solution, know that Qualaroo is already set up in the Okta marketplace and ready to go.  If you’d like more information, contact us at support@qualaroo.com and we’ll be happy to help.


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