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Collect User Insights (Practically) Anywhere with Nudge for Prototypes

Collect User Insights (Practically) Anywhere with Nudge for Prototypes

This post was written by Paulina Wójciak, CEO Qualaroo

UX designers are under a lot of pressure to produce designs that add value to users’ lives. But without input from your users, it’s nearly impossible to design an experience that actually helps alleviate their pain points. If you’re pressed for time and/or don’t have the help of a researcher, getting the user input essential to design a great product can certainly be a challenge.

That’s why we’ve launched Nudge for Prototypes, a new Qualaroo feature built to further our mission of making user research accessible and scalable for UX designers. Making sure our users can collect insights at every stage of the design process is a key part of that goal.


“Nudge for Prototypes is a game-changer for UX designers.”  – Paulina Wojciak 

Nudge for Prototypes is built to help you gather the user insights you need to avoid costly mistakes or usability hurdles. No-code implementation also means you can start collecting insights without help from engineers. 

How it Works 

UX design doesn’t happen in a vacuum, so gathering insights from key users and stakeholders on your team is crucial. However, there isn’t always time to conduct formal research or resources to have a user researcher on the case. With Nudge for Prototypes, you can conduct user research quickly and painlessly on custom URLs or on prototypes developed in the design tool of your choice.  


Use Qualaroo to set up your nudge and display it on the URL or mockup of your choice, share with user testers or key stakeholders, and use the Qualaroo dashboard to analyze the results and share key insights. Automate user research as early as possible in the design process and build products people love. 

Use Cases 

There are a number of ways Nudge for Prototypes can give you confidence in your design decisions and ultimately create valuable experiences for your users. 

  • Collect insights before launching redesigns or new features. Use prototyping tools like InVision, Axure, Marvel, AdobeXD, Figma, or custom URLs. 
  • Need user insights ASAP? No-code installation means never having to wait around for a developer.
  • Benchmark and conduct research on (public) competitor sites. 

Wherever you may need to gather user insights, Nudge for Prototypes gives you the insights you need to design confidently. 


How to Get Started 

Ready to start collecting user insights at all stages of the design process? Sign up for a free trial.

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About the author

The Qualaroo Editorial Team is a passionate group of UX and feedback management experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your user experience improvement and lead generation initiatives.