Dwayne Charrington


Dwayne Charrington

UX & User Research Expert |

Dwayne Charrington is an expert in UX design and user research, showing a strong grasp of how to improve user interfaces and interactions. He explores a wide range of topics, including lead generation, feedback management, the importance of survey accessibility, and how new technologies like AI and VR are changing how users interact with products. He shares insights on creating clear navigation, using A/B testing to make smarter design choices, and the power of storytelling in UX. Dwayne also focuses on optimizing mobile experiences and champions privacy-by-design, ensuring users feel satisfied, secure, and valued.

Articles by Dwayne Charrington

Power of Product Research: Uncovering the How’s, What’s, & Tips

Product research is the secret ingredient that can make or break a company’s success.  Without it, businesses are like blind chefs, cooking products without understanding what the target audience likes and dislikes.  Take Coke, for example, and how it failed with “New Coke” miserably even after rigorous testing with 200,000 consumers due to the lack...
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E-commerce Customer Feedback: Your Business’ Competitive Advantage

E-commerce customer feedback has certainly become a part of almost all businesses operating online and for good reasons. Still, only a few are saved from the limited perception of how the feedback data can be used to benefit them in different ways. You can add and improve products, but that’s just the beginning. If you...
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Survey Abandonment Guide: Causes, Impact & Solutions

As tough as it is to get someone to take your survey, keeping their interest to its completion is a whole other ballgame.  To avoid survey abandonment, you need to get several things right, including steering clear of your audience’s various turnoffs. For example, asking tediously long or irrelevant questions in your survey may make...
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Customer Delight: Create WOW Moments Across the Customer Journey

Who would know better about customer delight and its importance in business growth than Qualaroo, whose entire structure is built around developing delightful products and experiences? So we thought to cover this topic in detail. Delighting experiences build long-term bonds, a loyal customer base, and a trustworthy brand. Customers who are happy with you are...
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20+ Website Feedback Tools You Can’t Ignore in 2024

Unlike physical stores, you can’t approach customers personally or set up kiosks on your website to collect their opinions and experience with your brand, products, or services . But what you can do is trigger feedback surveys either using popup surveys or feedback widgets or track their behavior online using heatmaps. There are several ways...
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