NPS survey questions are much more than just quantitative ratings given by the customers.

These net promoter score questions are designed to help you get a constant pulse of your customers to understand better how they perceive your brand and how satisfied they are.

Primarily, three metrics are used for measuring customer satisfaction:

And our focus today will be on the NPS metric.

Have you ever come across a survey question beginning with 'How likely are you to….'?

Yup, that's an NPS survey question.

NPS surveys are great for measuring customer loyalty and satisfaction and even predicting churn.

All you have to do is ask the right question at the right time to the right people (standard practice).

Because of how simple and effective NPS surveys are, every organization that collects customer feedback deploys NPS surveys to segment their customers.

And now that you're here, you are probably wondering what NPS survey questions you should ask.

To help you with that, we'll give you 30 of the best NPS question examples that you can use to collect data that will help you make effective business decisions.

30 Best NPS Survey Questions and Templates

There are plenty of questions for NPS surveys that you can ask your audience, depending on the information you are trying to collect. Below are some of the most effective net promoter score question examples to deploy.

Also, to make it easier for you, we've divided these sample NPS survey questions into different categories.

NPS Rating Questions

These are the standard NPS questions where you ask your audience to rate you on a scale of 0 to 10 based on different scenarios. These include:

  • Company Rating Questions

    1. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company to a family member or friend?

    2. Based on your interaction with our company, how likely would you recommend us to a friend?

    3. Considering your past usage, please rate your likelihood of recommending our company to a friend.

    4. How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend with identical needs?

    5. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this company to someone facing similar challenges?

    6. Based on your previous interactions, how likely are you to recommend us to someone sharing the same interests as you?

  • Product Rating Questions

    7. How likely are you to recommend this product to a family member or friend?

    8. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this product to someone you know?

    9. Based on your interaction with this product, how likely would you recommend it to your friend or family member?

    10. Please rate the likelihood of you recommending this product based on your previous usage.

    11. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend this product to someone with similar needs?

    12. How likely are you to recommend our product to a friend or family member who is trying to solve a similar problem?

  • Based on Experience

    13. Following the latest feature update, how likely are you to recommend this product to your friends?

    14. Based on your checkout experience, please rate the likelihood of recommending this product to someone you know.

    15. Considering your recent navigation experience, how likely are you to use our product again?

    16. As per your recent purchase experience, please rate the likelihood of recommending this product to someone with similar needs.

    17. How likely are you to use this product again based on your experience with our support team?

    18. As per your experience with our latest features, how likely are you to keep using this product?

    19. Based on your onboarding experience, please rate the likelihood of recommending our product to your friends and colleagues.

  • NPS Open-ended questions

    Some might debate that open-ended questions are not NPS questions, but let us assure you- they play a big part in your NPS questionnaire. These questions will help you gain context behind your NPS rating questions, giving meaning to them.

    20. How can we improve your experience?

    21. What can we change to make our product better?

    22. What is something that is missing from our product?

    23. What was the most disappointing part about using this product?

    24. What features do you want to see next?

    25. What do you like the most/least about this product?

    26. What was missing/disappointing in your experience?

    27. What do you like the most about us?

    28. What type of changes will help us improve your rating?

    29. Do you prefer our competitors when it comes to (feature/product/service)?

    30. What’s something new you’d like to see here?

Now you know some of the best net promoter score survey questions you can ask your audience and quickly gauge their experience, loyalty, and satisfaction.

Ask Questions That Make an Impact

Leveraging net promoter score surveys can help you easily identify how happy your customers are and the level of loyalty you can expect from them.

Your NPS results can highlight the 'why' behind your customer's decisions, which will help you pinpoint the exact problem areas.

All you have to do is pick a good online survey tool and ask NPS questions that really hit the mark.

There you have it; that's how simple it is. Now go out there and start collecting NPS feedback.

Do you want free survey software?

Qualaroo is the world’s most versatile survey tool

More Resources

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The Beginner’s Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization

The Beginner’s Guide to Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is an in-depth tutorial designed to help you convert more passive website visitors into active users that engage with your content or purchase your products.

Question Guide For Product Owners
Question Guide For Product Owners

With a 30% or higher response rate, every product owner should be asking their customers these questions.

A Comprehensive Guide To User Feedbacks
A Comprehensive Guide To User Feedbacks

Whether you are developing a new product or have been selling the same one for years, you need user feedback.