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How I Done This Used Qualaroo To Dramatically Improve Their Conversion Rates

How I Done This Used Qualaroo To Dramatically Improve Their Conversion Rates

Thousands of people were clicking onto the landing page for I Done This, the daily check-in tool that helps teams stay on the same page. Many were even signing up for the free trial. But it was still unclear why they had arrived on the site.

I Done This’ free hobby version that allowed users to maximize their personal productivity had been wildly popular. But when the company decided to monetize by hosting a premium version for teams, they needed to refocus their messaging.

I Done This wanted to know what brought users to the site and what their intentions were. So they worked closely with Qualaroo to develop surveys to hone in on the right language to use in their marketing and design. The results of their surveys ended up dramatically influencing their marketing strategies and, ultimately, boosted their conversion rates and bottom line.

Letting Customers Weigh In

In order to successfully target teams and companies, I Done This needed to find the right language for their messaging.

Earlier this year, Qualaroo worked closely with I Done This to roadmap their path to success. Qualaroo created a survey which asked I Done This users why they signed up for the free trial.

Here were the results:


I Done This found from their Qualaroo survey that more than half of respondents implied they came for the free version, while only a quarter responded that they wanted a premium version for “workplace productivity” or “team communication.” They weren’t reaching their ideal customer as well as they needed to be. I Done This’ language would need to change.

Through a second Qualaroo survey, they learned many visitors had arrived at the site via Google searches. So the first thing I Done This did was take a close look at their Google AdWords campaigns.

They plugged survey results into the Qualaroo Salesforce integration to create custom objects, which allowed them to categorize and modify the data. They could look closely at trends and dig deeper into the results.

Based on that data, I Done This began targeting keywords like “team communication” and “team productivity.” All the copy in their ads highlighted the way I Done This can be used to keep teams and companies on the same page. They also moved away from using the term “status report” in favor of more descriptive phrases like “team status report.”

Connecting “team” to “I Done This” was crucial to getting their powerful team productivity plans recognized.

The Takeaway:

When you have a question about your customers, ask them directly. Their experience, along with objective behavioral data, can provide valuable insights.

Marketing and Designing Afresh

With their survey results in hand, I Done This also took a critical look at the language on their website. Their home page began to reflect the renewed focus on team productivity.

This is how the landing page looked in January of this year, before the changes:


The word “team” is buried at the end of the second paragraph and is mentioned only once. It’s not totally clear to the average user that I Done This is specifically for company use.

Through A/B testing via Qualaroo’s Optimizely integration, they began to make sizable changes. In February I Done This featured “team” higher on the page:


It’s right there in the subhead on a bright red background. That’s hard to miss.
And today, I Done This makes it abundantly clear it’s all about team and company productivity:


“Team” is used three times in the first six inches of the page. There is no doubting what I Done This is used for. The “personal productivity” plan is still available as is the free trial, but now I Done This’ mission is crystal clear to visitors as soon as they land on the site.

Conversion rates began improving immediately. More and more people were coming to I Done This in search of a team productivity tool. I Done This was now reaching their ideal customer.

The Takeaway:

Asking the right questions can deliver crucial information about where you need to improve. But your survey results shouldn’t only be applied to one area of growth—look at how you can change your customer support, marketing, landing page, design, and interface based on the responses you get. Your solutions should be multi-faceted.

Planning for the Future of I Done This

Tracking the intentions of their users proved crucial to I Done This’ conversion rate and success. So when they were marketing I Done This 2.0, they decided to use Qualaroo again to speak to their customer directly.

Through a survey targeting people subscribed to their product newsletter, I Done This asked customers what their favorite features of the previous version were. Understanding the what was as important as knowing the why. In this way, they could prioritize the vital parts of their product, as determined by their customers. This would make iteration faster and more effective.

Their customers’ feedback was vital to how I Done This planned for the future of its product.


Speaking to customers allowed I Done This to understand their customers’ needs on a deeper level. Knowing what they wanted translated into real changes in the marketing strategy.

I Done This’ conversion rates showed how valuable a simple customer survey can be.


Related Read: Read our blog to discover best ways to increase Mobile App Conversion Rates

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Qualaroo Editorial Team is a passionate group of UX and feedback management experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your user experience improvement and lead generation initiatives.