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4 Qualaroo Integrations That Let You Act Fast on User Feedback

4 Qualaroo Integrations That Let You Act Fast on User Feedback

At Qualaroo, we know that user feedback should be integral to your UX and digital product strategy. After all, your product, sales, and marketing teams are not mind readers. User feedback contextualizes what your users want and eliminates the guesswork of product development.

Learn more about how a user feedback program can benefit all departments in an organization with our user feedback guide.

However, gathering user feedback is just the beginning. The real work begins when you begin organizing that information, making it accessible to the rest of your team, and of course, start acting on those insights. To help you do just that, we’ve put together a list of four Qualaroo integrations that will make user feedback work for your team.

The Integration: Zapier


Today’s teams run on a string of mobile apps, web apps, and software. From a prototyping software to an internal chat tool to a content management system, most companies have more ways of communicating and sources of data than they can reasonably keep track of. These tools can be helpful on their own, but they are far more powerful when they all work together. Zapier is our favorite way to bridge the gap between various tools and combat organizational silos. Using Zapier in conjunction with Qualaroo can ensure user insights and nudge notifications never go unacknowledged.

Zapier is a platform that ties together different web applications through custom automated tasks called Zaps. For example, if you wanted to save every photo you post on Facebook to a Dropbox folder, you can do so with Zapier. Or, if you want to alert every member of your sales team with a text message when a new lead is created in your CRM, Zapier can help you do that. But how does this tie into user feedback?

Qualaroo Zaps notify teams about user responses and even trigger actions in other web apps based on those responses. For instance, if a user leaves negative feedback, a Zap can immediately trigger a message to your customer success team, prompting them to reach out and have a conversation. Alternatively, a positive response can prompt an automated message requesting more information about the user’s experience or send them a link to write a testimonial on an external review site.


Qualaroo + Zapier set up in action. Learn more at the Qualaroo Help Center.                                                                           

Why you should use it: user feedback is only as valuable as what you do with it and the Qualaroo + Zapier integration facilitates the process of notifying the appropriate team members about pieces of feedback that need to be addressed. With this integration, no piece of user feedback ever has to go untouched.

The Integration: Hubspot 


Hubspot is one of our favorite CRM platforms because of their focus on inbound marketing, a strategy that stresses identifying and nurturing prospects who have expressed interest in a product or its benefits. Hubspot creates an environment that allows teams to reach out to the right leads and users at the right time via their channel of choice. Combine that with user insights captured from Qualaroo, and you’ve got a powerful feedback loop.

What it does: While any Qualaroo nudge can have a lead generation prompt included at the end, translating this information to a place where you can use it immediately makes this user feedback significantly more useful.

With our Hubspot integration, you can route response information to the Hubspot CRM as soon as a lead or customer submits it on your site. If the person who filled out the nudge questions isn’t already in your database, a new contact will be instantly created.


Learn how to set up the Qualaroo + Hubspot integration at our Help Center.

What we really love about this integration is that Hubspot allows you to set up very specific custom properties. If you create custom properties that correlate with your nudge questions, you can submit very targeted user information into Hubspot. From there, you can launch email campaigns, create lists, or run reports based on that information.

Why you should use it: the Hubspot + Qualaroo integration makes acting and following up on user feedback easier than ever. By sorting your contacts based on the user insights you’ve acquired with Qualaroo, it’s easy to run custom reports, automate activation on user insights, and more.

The IntegrationSlack


Because feedback has a shelf life, it’s imperative that teams take action on the information their user feedback programs gather as quickly as possible. Our integration with Slack enables teams to receive feedback in real-time within a designated Slack channel.

With Qualaroo + Slack, as soon as a user provides feedback, the customer success, marketing or sales team can instantly access their response. If any action needs to take place, the team members can discuss next steps within the same channel, and ultimately react in a timely and effective manner. Thanks to Slack’s flexible searchability, all the information is recorded and accessible for future use.


Get the details on how to setup Qualaroo + Slack at our Help Center.

Why you should use it: some pieces of user feedback are more time-sensitive than others. Having a Slack channel with all or a specific subset of nudge responses in one place creates a layer of transparency and facilitates action in a way that will ultimately save your team time and money.

The Integration: Sentiment Analysis With IBM Watson


Qualitative feedback is an extremely important piece of the customer feedback puzzle. However, it can be time and labor-intensive to sort through the insights found in free-form responses. For qualitative feedback to be truly valuable, all those words must be distilled into actionable information.

Qualaroo’s Sentiment Analysis integration with IBM Watson allows teams to process and organize qualitative data at scale. With this integration, you can quickly comprehend what your customers are telling you. Understanding the emotion, sentiment and overall keyword trends underlying customers’ written responses can better inform your UX, product, marketing, and sales teams about your users’ true feelings about your product.


Check out our recently revamped reporting experience for Sentiment Analysis with IBM Watson.

Why you should use it: Qualitative user feedback is high fidelity and can lead to insights that less open-ended questions would almost certainly never yield. However, it takes time and energy to finesse that feedback into something that your team can actually use. Our integration with IBM Watson does the heavy lifting for you so you can understand where your users stand at a glance.

There are a number of ways that Qualaroo can help you make use of the user feedback your nudges provide. Integrations are one of our favorite ways to do so because they allow user insights from the nudge to truly integrate into your workflow. Want more information on how to get started with Qualaroo integrations? Reach out to support@qualaroo.com or sign up for a demo today.

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About the author

The Qualaroo Editorial Team is a passionate group of UX and feedback management experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your user experience improvement and lead generation initiatives.