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Qualaroo’s New Features: Do More from Your Dashboard

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Our product and engineering teams have been hard at work making Qualaroo’s website surveys and Nudges more powerful and easier to use every day. We recently launched a handful of useful updates to the Qualaroo dashboard that you should know about.

These changes are focused on making it easier for you to deploy, manage and report on the Nudges you have running. From activating and deactivating surveys, to response trend reporting, and more, there are a host of refinements that make it easier to manage your Nudges.

Check out the highlights below, and if you haven’t seen them yet, be sure to login to your dashboard to try them for yourself.

Edit Nudges from the Dashboard

Now you can easily preview, edit, adjust targeting and design of your Nudges right from the dashboard. Simply choose one of the options below the survey you want to edit and you’ll be taken right to that configuration screen. This makes it easy to make tweaks to existing Nudges to get them dialed in just how you want them.

Enable and Pause Surveys

This was a top request from our customers: make it easy to stop and start surveys right from the dashboard. No more clicking through different tabs to turn Nudges on and off. Now you can see and change the status of each nudge right from the dashboard. Simply click the arrow to make a change.

Email Response Data to Anyone

Now, when you choose to export responses out of Qualaroo, you’ll have the option of designating where they get sent. Before this release you had to forward the email you received to whomever needed the data. Those days are long gone. Now you can specify the recipient before generating the export. Simply choose “Export Responses (CSV)” from the drop down next to the survey in the dashboard and enter the recipient’s email address.

Just want the data for yourself? No problem. We’ve made the account address the default recipient.

See Nudge Performance and Response Trends

We’ve added a new tool tip to the reporting dashboard that shows you how each Nudge is doing in terms of responses, including a trend line and insight into your best response day. Use this feature to keep an eye on the performance of the surveys you’re running. Not getting enough responses? Change your targeting settings. Haven’t received a response in a while? Check the pages you have it deployed to, and ensure your Nudge is where you want it.

Delete Unconfigured Nudges

Have Nudges that you never implemented or aren’t using any more? Are you a bit of a neat freak and can’t stand seeing them just sitting there, but are too busy to go into each individual survey to remove them? We hear you. We’ve made it easy to restore order to your dashboard by adding the Delete button to inactive Nudges. You can’t miss it. Dive in, do some Fall Cleaning, and bring some order back to your dash.

New Timing Defaults and Options

One other change you should be aware of is new timing defaults. First, we’ve added a new 15 second option under targeting for the time delay before launching a Nudge. Some of you thought 10 seconds was too fast, while 20 seconds was too slow. We think 15 seconds sounds just about right. We hope you agree. Second, we’ve changed the amount of time that Thank You Nudges remain on the screen. We’ve shortened the default time to 10 seconds for Thank You screens without a call to action and 30 seconds for those Nudges that have a CTA attached.

We hope these updates make using Qualaroo easier, more valuable, and more enjoyable than ever. Our team is hard at work continually iterating and improving the product, so be on the lookout for more enhancements throughout the rest of the year.

Have a feature request that you’d love to see in Qualaroo? Be sure to let us know. Send us an email and share your thoughts. Thanks for using Qualaroo!

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Qualaroo Editorial Team is a passionate group of UX and feedback management experts dedicated to delivering top-notch content. We stay ahead of the curve on trends, tackle technical hurdles, and provide practical tips to boost your business. With our commitment to quality and integrity, you can be confident you're getting the most reliable resources to enhance your user experience improvement and lead generation initiatives.