Tushar Singh


Tushar Singh

Author & Editor at ProProfs |

Tushar has 1.5 years of experience in content creation. He is passionate about behavioral science and has a deep understanding of how organizations can leverage user research and customer support for maximum success. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games, fulfilling his curiosity about the universe and reading World War Memoirs.

Articles by Tushar Singh

9 Best Product Management Software and Tools in 2024

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the complex task of managing your products efficiently? You’re not alone. Many business leaders struggle to find the right tools that align with their team’s workflow and enhance productivity. Choosing the best product management software can transform this challenge into an opportunity. With the right tools, you can streamline processes,...
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9 Best Survey Tools to Collect Effective Feedback in Zendesk

Imagine a customer interaction that goes beyond resolving an issue – it sparks a conversation, fosters loyalty, and propels your business forward.  This scenario isn’t a pipe dream; it’s the power of surveys harnessed effectively.  As a seasoned customer service professional with a decade of experience, I’ve seen firsthand how the right survey tool can...
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Mastering Employee Experience Management: A Detailed Guide

Employee Experience (EX) is more than just the physical workspace or the digital tools at our disposal; it’s about creating a workplace where every interaction contributes to a sense of belonging, innovation, and satisfaction.  From acting on employee feedback to offering personal development opportunities, the focus is on building an environment where employees not only...
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Software Evaluation Survey Questions: What to Ask and Why

Software evaluation surveys are a powerful tool to measure and improve the quality and performance of your software product. They can help you understand how your users perceive and use your software, what they like and dislike about it, and how loyal and satisfied they are with it. But to get the most out of...
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9 SmartSurvey Alternatives: Compare & Choose the Best Fit

SmartSurvey is a popular online survey software. However, there are other options available in the market that offer different features, pricing, and benefits for businesses. I’ve had the opportunity to try a few and found the top 9 SmartSurvey alternatives for you to consider. These are the survey tools that I personally use, recommend, and...
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Pricing Surveys: A Strategic Approach for Maximizing Profits

Pricing optimization is a powerful strategy to increase your revenue without spending on marketing or product development. Understanding the right price for your product or service is crucial for staying competitive and capturing the market share. So, how do you discover the right price for your product or service?  Consider using pricing surveys.  They are...
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10 Best 360-Degree Feedback Software in 2024

Did you know that the global market size of 360-degree feedback software is projected to grow to $2,136.0 million by 2030?  With such staggering numbers, it’s evident that utilizing 360-degree feedback software has become increasingly imperative as businesses prioritize employee growth and overall productivity. But the challenge lies in finding the best option for your...
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10 Essential Patient Feedback Software Tools for 2024

Keeping up with your patients’ expectations is a challenge every healthcare professional must embrace. One thing that can help you is the patient feedback. For this, you’ll need cutting-edge patient feedback software in your healthcare toolkit, complemented by patient experience strategies to achieve the outcomes you seek. As an experienced professional who has explored numerous...
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Power of Product Research: Uncovering the How’s, What’s, & Tips

Product research is the secret ingredient that can make or break a company’s success.  Without it, businesses are like blind chefs, cooking products without understanding what the target audience likes and dislikes.  Take Coke, for example, and how it failed with “New Coke” miserably even after rigorous testing with 200,000 consumers due to the lack...
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