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App Feedback Software
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For all skill levels. No software download or HTML skills needed.
Install code to get user feedback on websites, products & mobile apps.
Brand your Nudges with customized fonts, colors, logos & more.
Ask the right users at the right time for unparalleled user feedback.
Choose from over 10 question types for the perfect question, every time.
Never start another survey from scratch with our professional templates.
Ask the right questions to the right users politely & delightfully.
Capture user feedback quickly and painlessly at every stage.
Watson Sentiment Analysis, Wordcloud & advanced analytics.
App feedback software lets you collect customer and user feedback from within an app. It could be your app developed in-house or a third-party app that you have customized for your business. Integrating app feedback software is a great way to understand what your customers are looking for and whether they are satisfied with the app's usability. Watch this quick video to learn How App Feedback Software Works.
The easiest way to collect app feedback is via app feedback software. Just place an in-app survey form that asks questions that matter at the right time to learn about the app's usability and design. With an unobtrusive survey, you can get specific feedback while the customer is using the app. Now, you only need to filter and analyze the right data to learn how to reduce app abandonment and increase engagement. Read this quick guide to understand How to Collect In-App Feedback.
The major difference is in the context of collecting customer feedback. While email feedback is sent for the customer to respond to after their visit is over, app feedback prompts the user to share their thoughts while they are within the app. To know more, check out this Comprehensive Guide to User Feedback.
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