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35+ Excellent UX Survey Questions You Need to Ask

35+ Excellent UX Survey Questions You Need to Ask

Steve Jobs, Co-founder of Apple once said, “Some people think design means how it looks. But of course, if you dig deeper, it’s really how it works.”

Jobs emphasizes that effective design is not just about aesthetics but also about functionality and usability​.

If you invest a ton of resources and money into building a product solution, you should ensure that it agrees with the target audience. That’s what UX survey questions are for.

User experience survey questions help you explore what the targeted users like, what they don’t like, and what will make your products better. 

The biggest advantage of using UX surveys is they let you run research and optimization processes without disrupting the product cycle.

You can seamlessly integrate the feedback loop into your product stages and ensure the final product meets customers’ expectations.

The first step is to write effective questions. That’s where this blog comes into play.

We have created a comprehensive list of 25+ UX research survey questions to help design the perfect surveys and extract valuable insights from your users, stakeholders, and testers.

Let’s get started.

A Short Note on UX Survey Questions

UX survey questions are designed to extract feedback about the product from the intended and actual users. These questions assess the users’ product experience about different aspects like:

  • Product and Website Usability – How easy and intuitive it is for users to navigate and interact with the product.
  • Functionality – Insights on features and capabilities of the product.
  • Satisfaction – Gauges overall user satisfaction with the product, i.e., are users happy with their experience?
  • Visual Design – Feedback on the product’s appearance, layout, colors, and overall visual appeal.
  • Performance – Questions about the speed, responsiveness, and overall performance of the product.
  • Accessibility – Assesses whether the product is usable by individuals with disabilities.
  • Task Completion – Inquires about users’ success in accomplishing specific tasks or goals using the product.
  • Suggestions – Asks users to provide their thoughts, suggestions, and ideas for improvement.
  • Emotional Response – Asking questions about how users feel while using the product can provide insights into their emotional response and overall experience.
  • Competitive Analysis – Questions asking users to compare the product with similar ones they’ve used.

Here is a simple UX survey Nudge™ for collecting feedback from the app users:

37 User Experience (UX) Survey Questions Examples to Ask Users

Before we get to the list, we have to put it out there: there is no magic list of UX survey questions that will help you get all the answers. Instead, you will have to create your own magic by using some great website user experience survey questions.

We have segmented this list into different types of questions for user experience surveys to make it easier for you to understand and use them. Let’s look at what questions to ask for user experience surveys.

UX Survey Questions – Research

  1. What problems are you currently facing?
  2. How often do you encounter this problem?
  1. What is the most frustrating part about this task?
  2. Did you try any workarounds to help you with your problem?
  3. How long did you spend on this problem?
  4. Have you tried any other products/tools?

UX Survey Questions – Usability Testing

  1. To what extent does this product match your expectations?
  2. How do you think this product can help you?
  3. What elements of this product are the most/least important to you?
  4. What would you like to change about this product?
  5. Is there anything more you would like us to add to this product?
  6. What was the most difficult part about using this product?
  7. How likely are you to recommend this product to your friends and colleagues?
  1. Did you find the navigation menu intuitive and easy to understand?
  2. Were you able to quickly find what you were looking for?
  3. Were there any specific tasks that you found challenging?
  4. How quickly were you able to learn how to use the product?
  5. Were instructions and information provided clear and easy to understand?

UX Survey Questions – Interaction Design

  1. What are you trying to accomplish on this screen?
  2. How would you rate the interface design of the website/app?
  3. Do the menu items make sense?
  4. Is the position of this element appropriate?
  5. What can we do to simplify this design?
  6. Is there anything you would like us to remove?
  7. Does the screen layout look organized to you?
  8. Is there anything you would like us to add to this screen?
  9. How would you like to rate the overall navigation experience?

UX Survey Questions – Visual Design

  1. Do you like how the page looks?
  2. Does the color scheme look appropriate?
  3. How would you rate the overall aesthetics of the product?
  1. Are there any visual changes that you would like us to make?
  2. Please rate the overall visual appeal of this page?

UX Survey Questions – Stakeholder Reviews

  1. Does this product/service solve your user’s problems?
  2. To what extent are your users satisfied with the offering?
  3. Does the product meet all your requirements?
  1. To what extent does the product reflect the brand image?
  2. Was the product able to meet the defined goals?
Related Read- What Survey Questions Should I Ask?

User Experience (UX) Survey Templates: Jumpstart Your Survey Creation

You have two solid options on the table. First, there’s the hands-on approach—crafting UX surveys from the ground up using the questions provided earlier. Alternatively, you can jump right into action with Qualaroo’s UX survey templates.

These templates are incredibly versatile, allowing you to fine-tune them to align with your brand’s personality. Adjust the branding, play with fonts and colors, and decide which questions make the cut or get the boot.

Consider this pro tip: spice up those surveys by adding a few extra questions from the above list. It allows you to give your UX surveys an extra layer of depth.

And here’s the magic touch – these survey templates are equipped with conditional logic. It means you can dive deep into the minds of your customers, extracting more nuanced feedback.

So, whether you’re going the DIY route or opting for the shortcut with these UX survey templates, you’ve got the tools to gather feedback that goes beyond good – it’s downright impressive.

How to Create a UX Survey Using Quality Questions

Crafting a UX survey is an iterative process. Listen to your audience, let their insights guide you, and continuously evolve your questions to refine the feedback. Here are a few general steps to design UX questions to ask users:

Lay the Foundation with Clear Objectives

Start with putting the campaign goal at the center of your UX questionnaire design. What are you trying to achieve from the exercise?

Are you seeking to enhance product or website usability, measure customer satisfaction, or explore new features? Each audience, be it customers, prospects, or users, should be asked tailored questions that align with your objectives.

For example, if the objective is to improve the usability, then you can ask website usability survey questions such as:

On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy was it to find the information you were looking for on our website?”

Then add a follow-up open-ended question to explore the reason behind the user rating.

In the same way, you can add the following question to gauge what information/features are missing to improve the usability further.

Mix Open and Closed-Ended Questions

Balance closed-ended UX questions with open-ended ones. While closed-ended questions provide quantifiable data, open-ended questions offer qualitative insights.

Bonus read: Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research: How to Get the Best of Both Worlds

A strategic blend provides a comprehensive picture of user experience and lets you listen to their minds without restricting them to predefined answer options. 

For example:

Closed-ended – How would you rate the loading speed of our mobile app?

Open-ended – Please describe any difficulties you encountered while using our app.

In this example, you can first segregate the users based on their ratings and then use the open-ended feedback from users who gave lower ratings to identify the user issues with the app.

Visualize the User’s Journey

Another way to design your UX survey questions is to map the user journey across the product and find the bottlenecks.

Then, use it to craft the UX survey design and flow. Start by measuring the initial impressions, delve into interactions, and conclude with satisfaction metrics.

This dynamic approach crafts a holistic narrative.

For example:

Initial Impression – What were your first thoughts when you landed on our homepage?

Interaction – Did you find it easy to customize your profile settings?

Satisfaction Metric – On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our website to a friend?

Seek Inspiration from Other UX Survey Examples

If you get stuck in a creative whirlpool, explore existing UX survey question examples for inspiration.

You can search for the UX survey examples online to understand the type of questions to use, their sequence, and the answer choices. 

Then, Tweak and personalize these questions to suit your campaign objectives. 

You can also avoid manual efforts by using a user experience survey tool like Qualaroo that provides built-in professional survey templates to help you get started.

Each template is a complete survey based on a particular scenario designed to extract targeted insights from the audience.

Just pick the relevant template and start customizing the questions and themes to suit your content. Once you are ready to go, you can launch the UX survey.

It saves a ton of time and effort, so you can focus on working on the feedback rather than designing the UX survey from scratch.

Test for Clarity and Simplicity

The quality of insights you get depends on the questions you ask, so they must be clear and understandable.

Here are tips to improve the UX questionnaire’s clarity for the users:

  • Avoid Jargon and Complex Terms – Make sure that the survey speaks the language of your participants. Skip the jargon and opt for words everyone can relate to.

For example:

Unclear question “Assess the UI’s perceivable usability in the context of multivariate user interactions.”

Clear and Simple – “Rate how easy it is to use the website’s different features.”

  • Avoid long-winded questions that can lead participants down a confusing rabbit hole. Keep it snappy and on point.

For example:

Unclear “On a scale of 1 to 7, with 1 indicating not at all likely and 7 indicating extremely likely, how probable is it that you would not consider potentially using our service in the future?”

Clear and Simple – “How likely are you to use our service in the future? (1 = Not Likely, 7 = Extremely Likely)”

  • Avoid double negatives, which may be misinterpreted, leading to inaccurate feedback data. Imagine you’re explaining a route: “Don’t turn left” might be misinterpreted.

For example:

Unclear – “Would you not be dissatisfied with the absence of a chat feature?”

Clear and Simple – “Would you like a chat feature?”

For more tips, check our detailed blog on types of survey errors you need to avoid.

Work on Survey Structure

Structuring a survey well is extremely important if you want your participants to stay interested and not leave in the middle. 

When a survey is well structured, it provides a seamless experience to the users and also makes it easier for them to comprehend the intent behind the survey.

A good way to structure your survey questions for user experience is by asking the simplest questions in the beginning and making your way to the more complex questions later in the survey.

But remember, complex questions don’t mean you make your questions difficult to understand. Keep it simple at all times.

You can easily create a diverse survey structure by using multiple different question types from your survey maker tool. 

For instance, Qualaroo features 12+ question types built into the survey creator to help you create diverse and engaging surveys at all times. These questions include:

Here’s something you may also like: Likert Scale Surveys: Why & How to Create Them (With Examples)

Case Study: Hootsuite

How Hootsuite Proved Their Landing Page Needed Improvement

Read Full Story Here

Ask UX Questions That Never Miss The Mark

User experience, mobile app, or website usability survey questions are great for gaining actionable insights into your product’s or website’s usability and the overall user experience. 

Not just that, these surveys also give an excellent opportunity to work on problem areas in your user experience and make it better for improved conversions. 

It’s pretty straightforward as well – you just have to ask the right UX survey questions the right way by pairing your surveys with the right feedback tool.

Frequently Asked Questions

Mobile app surveys provide insights for improving products, enhancing user experience, guiding marketing strategies, and increasing customer loyalty.

Mobile app surveys can collect feedback on usability, feature preferences, bugs, user satisfaction, and demographic information

Consider these best practices:

  • Timing: Prompt users for feedback at appropriate moments within the app.
  • Keep it short: Limit the number of questions to maintain user engagement.
  • Clear language: Use simple, concise language in questions and response options.
  • Incentives: Offer small rewards or discounts to encourage participation.
  • Analyze and act: Collect and analyze data, then implement improvements based on findings.

The aim of a mobile app is to provide a specific functionality, service, or information to users through their mobile devices, often enhancing user experience, convenience, engagement, and specific actions.

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About the author

Shivani has more than 3 years of experience in the modern creative content paradigm and technical writing verticals. She has been published in The Boss Magazine, Reseller Club, and HR Technologist. She is passionate about Artificial Intelligence and has a deep understanding of how organizations can leverage customer support technologies for maximum success. In her free time, she enjoys Nail art, playing with her guinea pigs, and chilling with a bowl of cheese fries.